I want to share this new to all WLS CT friends.... You know I filed Grivence through NAGE Union up to level 4 but unsuccessfully then filed eeoc grivence went up to near appeal for almost 7 years but my lawyer and I decided it is not worth to fight Government because THEY ARE DIRTY WORK, UNFAIR EEO to help handicap people (few deaf people filed eeoc grivence but tehy did fixed this problems because of my case to make them look good. The dept of Navy do not care about handicaP PEOPLE and they do care about to protect officers, managers, and supervisor. They do not care about ADA (American with Disablities ACt). They did not provide me and other deaf people an interpreters, no promotions for all deaf people ( unfair treat as equal as hearing people), and EEO people DO NOT HELP Handicap people. On end of my case, EEOC judge found Dept of navy guilty and asked my lawyer to do compensatory damages. After my lawyer gave paper work for compensatory damaghes, sunddendly judge decided to DEINED my case and just slap warning navy. It is unbelieve unfair eeoc system. My lawyer and I think Dept of navy forced judge to change this decision or bribed by dept of navy to do tricky work. yes, it hurted my feelings, crying and angers all same time but it is time for me to move on and hope someday US Justice of dept will take over for class action for all handicap people.
Thank you for listen my vent
Kathy K
Hi Kathy
HRO people do not help me and they just did like EEO people did to me. I pray someday someone will come and take class action for all hanpicap people because I know there are alot of something wrong there because My nage union, my lawyer and I witnessed. Thank you for your prayers. I am sure God will guide me to other path and it will take time.
Kathy K
So sorry to hear that they treated you like they did. It is very unfair and typical of the large bureacracy. Hide everything under the
I know you want to leave and it is a good thing to wait until after your surgery etc. so you are sure of your benefits etc. We will all keep our eyes and ears open for you though. You never know when a new opportunity will pop up. Keep your spirits up. You have a wonderful family and a very full and busy life. The work part of it will get better but that has to wait in line for a bit. Have a great day!!
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time fighting the system. Bureaucracy is a bear. You got some great advice from the ladies, I have nothing of any help to add, except I hope things work out for you in the best possible way. If I hear of anything in the IT field I'll let you know (my sister-in-law to-be is interviewing in the IT field in northern CT/southern Mass. right now too).
Good luck!!
Kathy F.