Hi Honey I'm Home
Wow, home already, get lots of rest, keep comfortable and follow you doctors instructions as to drinking fluids and be sure to get up and walk around your house every hour or two when you are awake.
All the best
Thanks everyone I think I would have stayed the extra day but my roommate situation wasnt good. I very nice older woman whose family evidently doesnt work. There were no less than 6 guests in her room at all times including infant twins. It was not conducive to rest. So when Dr. Duffy suggested going home I jumped at the chance.
OMG I can't believe you're home so soon!!! Congratulations and welcome to the Losers Bench
I can't relate the roommate thing though.... I had a nice older lady but her two grown doctor sons were total *bleeps* (insert nasty word of choice here). All one of them did was nag the crap out of her to blow in the ball thing and listening to him was total torture. Thank God they only seemed to show up in the evenings cuz it was all I could do not to yell at them to shut their traps.
Anyway.... make sure you're getting your fluids in, lots of rest and a few short walks.
Having the lap procedure really makes for a quick recovery and you'll be feeling great in no time as long as you take care of yourself.
Keep us updated.