E Mail
Oh my goodness! Were you emailing too much? I was always afraid they would do that to me at my day job. I would send about 300+ emails a day. Usually just back and forth with people that work there too. It's funny.
Make sure they don't block your internet access!! They really know how to hurt people, huh?
Nope, wasn't e mailing too much just a couple a day,
but it seems they have managed to block me from doing it now
, at least for today. UGH!
300 + a day
you must have been a busy bee. Hopefully they don't cut off the internet I would be lost, as it is I am blocked from certain sites, like MSN, Yahoo
What are you going to do
Maybe the company's mail server is having problems. You should ask your supervisor, or just call the help desk.
Yes, I email quite a bit. They can never tell me I am not productive!
Hrmm, what does one do during the work day with no email or internet? I would have to do actual work and that is unacceptable to me. I will work when the emails slow down and that's that!
Good thing I might not be working my full-time day job much longer. Still don't know when I am going to go back, if at all, and for how many hours. I will be working overnights at Star beginning Monday at midnight, I will be too tired to go to the other job during the day!