Thursday - What are we eating?
Many have asked that we keep this up - so here goes.
This is NOT a usual day for me -- and confession is good.
B - 3/4 cup cottage cheese
3/4 cup homemade baked beans (I know - weird)
S - 25 small grapes
L - 2 slices pizza (sm. squares) with meat & veggies
Lets hear all the confessions and suggestions!
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
Well, I am trying to increase what I eat, because 2 ounces at a meal is not very much, and I know I'm not getting enough protein. So, today I have made an effort to eat more.
Breakfast - 1 - 6oz cup of non-fat cherry vanilla yogurt
2 ounces of low-fat pineapple cottage cheese
mid morning - 4 ounces protein shake
lunch - 3 ounces egg salad, 2 ounces chicken salad, 1 string cheese.
I feel so full I could explode. Maybe I tried too hard too fast to increase my protein. Don't even want to think about dinner.
Hello Everyone!
This really is a great idea so I'm in. Here goes.
Breakfast - 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese mixed with ground pepper and chives, 4 small round onion crackers crushed and mixed into the cottage cheese.
snack - 24 oz. DD coffee (1/2 decaf & 1/2 reg) with light cream and 3 equals.
Lunch - 3" tuna sandwich (1/2 of a 6" Subway grinder), with one slice of provolone cheese and lettuce
snack - Will have a 16 oz. Fruit 2 O - Grape flavor
(WLS 1/26/04 - minus 97 lbs.)
Lucy Houle
Hello Everyone,
Well here it is so far today.........
1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese
1 spoonful of regular sour cream
lots of garlic salt
3 small pieces of pre-cooked bacon
4 oz of boneless skinless white meat chicken
some horse radish sauce for dipping
4oz of Mussleman's Lite Peach Sauce
2 kosher dill spears
1 bag (oz) Atkins Crunchers
1 hunts no sugar added choc. pudding
Have lots to tell you all, will post more later when I get home from water aerobics!!
Okay, I'm going to try this. Maybe it'll keep me honest!
Breakfast -- AES Results Protein Shake
Lunch -- Large (about 8 oz.) Wendy's Chili
Snack -- 8 oz. water w/Nectar Fuzzy Navel Protein Powder
Have to do laundry after work, so I'll be home after 9:00 p.m. again ... I hate eating dinner so late, but with my schedule I'm never home before 8:00 p.m. Aargh!!
Kathy F.
I guess I need to confess too!!!
B - 3/4 c low carb cereal
1/2 c lactaid 1% milk
S - protein bar
L - my BAD meal caused by my stressed out morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wendy's cheeseburger kid's meal ( did get a cute Garfield toy)
couldn't fini**** all and felt awful after. Boss was supposed to take
us all out to this nice restaurant for lunch, but he called too late so we
couldn't get a reservation so I hadn't brought any lunch with me.
Excuses, excuses, excuses
S - protein bar
D - 2 oz ham, 1 oz low fat cheese
S - Q-crackers, low fat & lots of protein for a snack and if you like
Cheetos you're going to love these. So I'll only by them every once in
a while
Well glad this day is over and hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Have a great day tomorrow,
Mary Lou