Sleep study

on 6/28/04 8:23 am - new britain, CT
I had a pulmonology appointment at UCONN on Friday afternoon. It was pretty painless, I took a four page questionnaire and spoke to the dr briefly. I have to have the sleep study. My tonsils were "very large" and I complained of headaches in the morning. He said I probably don't have sleep apena, but better to be safe than sorry. I am so bummed. I know that the sleep study is probably one of the easier things I have to do for this surgery, but my sleep is so precious to me, that I am already having anxiety about not being able to fall asleep. You don't think they will let me take an ambien that night - he he. I can't fall asleep on my back - ever, let alone with all kinds of things sticking out of me!!!! I am cranky thinking about it. I know, I know, I really shouldn't be!! I also did the "24 hour" urine test this weekend. Even though I am going to UCONN for all of my appointments, I went to Quest Diagnostics in New Britain for bloodwork and urine test. They gave me a "48 hour" test and it was so obnoxious carrying those things around with me on Sat. So, I did what I thought I was suppose to with the test and dropped of my urine this morning. I get a phone call saying that I did it wrong. Great, now I have to do it again. She gave me two jugs, one for Sat and one for Sun. Well, I just thought I needed to use the first jug until it was full. Oh boy, my bad, I will try that again next weekend. Does anyone have any words of wisdom on the sleep study? Thanks in advance and I really can't stress enough how nice it is to come here and know that there are people going through the same thing as me, it has been a real comfort. I don't post as much as I should, but I read everything and always have you all in my thoughts. Bye for now! Phyllis
Bette B.
on 6/28/04 9:55 am
Phyllis: I SWORE that there was no way I would get to sleep at my sleep study, but I dropped right off. They DID, however, wake me up at 3 a.m. to let me know that I did, in fact, have apnea, and they put me on a CPAP machine for the rest of the night. On the plus side, the apnea disappeared about 2 weeks after my surgery.
Tara L.
on 6/28/04 10:53 am - Melbourne, FL
Hi Phyllis! I've had 3 sleep studies. I consider myself a pro at this point. You really think you won't sleep, but you do. I swore I was awake for like 3 hours. I heard the conversations going on because these ladies were so darn loud, but they say I fell asleep in 2.5 minutes. Hogwash, I say!!! I think I am one of those sleepers that's like a surface sleeper. I had apnea, then had the surgery, called UPPP, and at the next sleep study, I no longer have it but have some severe restrictive upper airway thinger. I guess I still constantly wake up. It's uncomfortable, seriously, but you will get as much sleep as they need you to get and then you go home and scrub your head for a few days. Eww. Good luck and keep us posted! Tara
Eileen Z.
on 6/28/04 2:50 pm - West Hartford, CT
Lap Band on 08/18/04 with
I was really stressed that I wouldn't fall asleep at my sleep study but I had no problems either. I made sure that I got plenty of exercise that day and had turkey for dinner I was worried that I would have to sleep on my back but they let me sleep on my side. They had me get there about 2.5 hours before I was to go to sleep. They hooked up the wires to me as soon as I got there and by the time I went to bed, I was aware of the wires but they didn't feel as confining as they had felt a couple of hours before. Good luck! You will do fine!
on 6/29/04 12:09 am - new britain, CT
Thanks ladies! That helps! Do they have a TV or will I be able to read before I go to bed. Eileen, what did you do for 2.5 hours before you fell asleep?
on 6/30/04 2:43 am - Mastic, NY
Hi I had the sleep study done about a month ago and I was so afraid of not being able to sleep and being really uncomfortable. It was actually not too bad. I read for about an hour and then fell right asleep, I did however wake up many times throughout the night. I always have a hard time sleeping anywhere but my own bed, but it really wasn't bad at all. Good lucky with everything
Patricia D.
on 6/30/04 10:33 pm - Avon, CT
I have had two sleep studies, one at Hartford Hospital and one at UCONN. UCONN is much better - real bed not a hospital bed, a dark, quiet room with an attached bath, and, best of all, a fan! It is surprising how the fan made such a big difference with the white noise. When I got into the room and saw a television, I got all excited thinking that I could watch Letterman or Leno until I fell asleep. Unfortunately the tv was there just to show a video about sleep apnea while the technician wired me up. I read for about 30-45 minutes before I was ready to sleep. You will do just fine.. Pat
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