Totally unfilled

on 1/8/08 10:07 pm - CT

Ok, I need to make a very long story very short. Let me start by saying I love the new surgeon.  He's great. Some of you already know during some tests the new surgeon did, they found my port flipped.  But NOT totall around, just on its side.  The doc said we will see what we can do and go from there.  Well he did access it the 1st time, he said we would play it by ear. Well.....I went in for a fill on Dec 20th.  He had a hard time measuring the amount of liquid that he put in cause the needle cant be held straight up and down, its got to be from the side of my stomach since thats how the port faces. He said next time he will have me lay on my side so he can see it better.  Well i sat up, drank the was ok. Later that night, I was feeling really tight, and even liquids were taking a while to go down. 2AM I sat straight up out of my sleep and could not breath.  My fiance had to dial 911 and I went to Hartford Hospital. (we did call the dr's office on the way down and they said someone would be able to do it) My BP was through the roof and I started to panic.  They gave me an IV with fluids, and then something for anxiety.  Who knew that only "certain people" are allowed to access your port.  I was begging anyone who came in the door to please unfill me. "They" couldnt do it in the ER, they had to call Surgery down and then the 1st guy couldnt do it, so they had to call someone else.  Well this girl really 4 times of needles going in and out, and she couldnt get the port.......Finally at being very sore....I was getting really hysterical and had my finace give me the dr's card and the cell phone.   So there I lie in my ER bed calling my surgeon since no one in the hospital could help me.  So I call and Linda answers the phone, I tell her I cant breath and its been hours....she said go to the ER....I said I have been here for hrs.  She said hold on.  She got the dr on the phone who told me to leave the ER and drive to his office in Rocky Hill. We signed out of the hospital against medical advise and went to the dr's office.  In 2 mins I was better. I was in such a panic, I told him to take it all out. I really dont know if I want this "gift" anymore. So its been a little bit now and the funny thing is I lost 7 lbs since.  Go figure.  I think the bigger portions of meals are keeping me more satisfied, so I am not wanting snacks etc.  I am still trying to make good decisions and want to continue my loss, but I think I'm too scared to get anymore fills done. My finace and my sister are begging me to get it taken out.  I keep trying to think of all the reasons I wanted it in and dont want to make a snap decision.  Any opinions ????? Just needed to share.

Kathy W.
on 1/8/08 10:24 pm - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
Since I didn't want the band I don't know much about it so bear with me. Can they fix the port? Could this have happened because it was flipped? Good luck with what ever you decide to do hun. Kathy

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 1/8/08 10:36 pm - manchester, CT
Wish I could offer some advice but I had the RNY done not lapband, but I do have to wonder if the port moving had something to do with it?   Can they fix it, straighten it out?  Have you talkd to the doctor about what happened and your fears/worries?   


on 1/9/08 1:13 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Bree, It sounds like the pressure of too much restriction sent you into a panic attack.   Surely the port flip can be fixed.  I read somewhere on the lap band board that someone's doctor fixed it in the office with local anesthesia.  This could be done because the tube and port were not broken.  From what I can tell from reading your home page, you got your lapband on 2/1/06 and with the Lyme disease set-back you have lost 16.4 lbs since your operation. Losing weight can be scary because it forces you to be different.  I have been hovering at the cusp of getting under 200 lbs for weeks now and I think it's because I'm afraid of being thinner.  To explain, I can no longer eat my anxieties away.  This means I have to verbalize my problems with people and I hate confrontation.  But my health is so important that I have to get past this.  So this past week I made a commitment to going back to basics.  Revisiting my menus from when I first came off mushies.  Keeping to under 1,000 calories a day.  And getting in my water and exercise.  I had let food creep back in that don't do me any good at all. Don't listen to anyone else.  What do you want?  I vividly remember all the reasons I want to lose weight - fitting into seats EVERYWHERE; no more stares; more respect; no rude remarks about my weight; no more diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and acid reflux; being able to PLAY; going to parks and shopping and being able to walk all day; being able to wear stylish clothes and pay cheaper prices for them; being able to look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I look good.";  having someone else say, "Damn, you look good." And many, many more reasons. It's good that you are trying to remember what brought you on this journey.  I hope that make a decision that will make YOU happy. Best of luck, Bev

Tammy M
on 1/9/08 1:17 am - Somers, CT
Oh Bree you poor girl!!!

How much fill did you get as an increase? You definitely sound like you were way over filled - and actually sometimes that can happen even though you drank water at the doctors office - it happened to me but not as severe as your situation - I drank the water fine and about a week later water wouldn't even go down - it was horrible! The liquid moves around the tubing and depending on what's going on in the body can make big changes in restriction in short time periods.....Anyway - you don't have to make a decision to remove it, you can just stay unfilled and would be fine right? I don't think the flipped port impacts the restriction but who knows? I can tell you that since I've been unfilled with this pregnancy I do not miss my band - but have been getting a lot of restriction lately and am not happy about it!

You don't have to make any decisions now - see how you continue to do without a fill - if you keep losing just let it be - if you start gaining go and get really small incremental fills - like .1 each time or .05 - just keep the fill thing extremely slow and wait like 2 months between them -

Hang in there!
Warm Regards - Tammy -
Lilypie - (dOEW)preview image
Tina P.
on 1/9/08 5:16 am - Fairfield County, CT
WOW Bree!  You have really been through a lot recently.  Have you posted your concerns on the lapband forum?  There are so many people there that might be able to give you some advice. Take care.
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