Todays Update-Cardio Cleared
Part two of my stress test was this morning and I am now cleared for surgery by the Cardiologist.
It was much easier then yesterday. The P.A. that was testing me said she had me on an incline to start on the tredmill and thats why it was harder and I didn't walk for too long. Today I did double the time and my blood pressure wasn't that crazy high and my EKG was fine. My sister brought me and it was really nice to have her a part of the process even though it's coming to a head. Part of me feels like I can't breathe that well needed sigh of relief till I get the call that I am approved and scheduled for surgery. I can't wait for that day. I am feeling really good. Besides getting over a nasty cold I feel great. The weight I lost in the past couple months has done me good. I am getting around much better and I can't wait to see how I feel 100 lbs. or so lighter. I am still chugging along with my eating plan (notice I did not use the word DIET) that has worked so far to get as much weight off before surgery as I can. I am going on a road trip on friday morning. I am driving with my friend David to Maryland to see my best friend Sharon. I'm coming back sunday. I'm really excited to get a way for a few days. Hope all is well with you and yours.