I am really alive and well
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would take a moment to say hello and to apologize once again for not being around much. Things are nuts but moving right along. Had a tag sale last Saturday and now we should be ready to show the house. There is an Open House scheduled for Sunday sooooo we had best be ready......

. Let me tell you that I never would have been able to do all this packing, cleaning etc. a year ago. I have not been to the gym in almost a week because I have had soooo much to do here and have been sore from all the physical work. I figure it averages out in the end 

Work has been insane also. Just soooo busy and we keep getting more and more work dumped on us and less and less time to do it in. I must say though that there aren't many (if any) State Employees sorry to see our Gov. resign. 

Would have been nice if he apologized for at least wasting another 4 million dollars on these hearings. Oh well.
Tonight is my youngest niece's graduation from high school so unless it rains I will be there. If it rains I will high tail it on up to New London. I am feeling great. Closing in on the century club. I am so happy for all of you who are getting your dates and having your surgery. This is the best thing that I ever did. Its hard work but the results are definitely worth it!!! Have a great day everyone.

Hello Linda,
I am glad to see you back on this board... Once you moved to condo, you will have more time for yourself since you do not have to do work outside. I am glad Rowland resign because he do not supports handicap people in Ct. Sorry for I said that but that is true.
you will do alot of excerise while you pack things from house and unpack things for Condo. I will see you tonight. If i dont see you tonight then I know where you will be.
Kathy K

Linda it's great to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear things are so hectic but glad to hear you're handling it good.
I don't think anyone is really sorry to see the Gov. resign. He had it coming. Anywhooo....
I'm sorry I'll miss yet another chance to meet you tonight. I'm sure we'll meet up one day soon.
Have fun at your niece's graduation, and good luck with your open house on Sunday.

Good to get your update, miss!
I'm not looking forward to getting ready to move ... I'm going to be moving to a new place (with the b-friend) at the end of July. That means combining 2 households, which means lots of left-over junk. I need to have a moving sale so I can get rid of some of the stuff I don't need, then pack ....
Glad you're still doing so well. I'm down 80 lbs. now. Need to have my hernia taken care of, but I'm switching jobs (I always end up doing everything at once!) starting next week, so I have insurance and timing to worry about. Never a dull moment!!
You're an inspiration. I'm so glad you're here to offer advice and a good laugh.
Take good care!
Kathy F.