psychology evaluation
Hello Everybody,
I am having psychology evaluation tomorrow afternoon
I have heard from people that there are things you must not say or they deny you
Cheryl S. gave me good advices about it but I would like to hear more advices from all of you
and I will read this message before I will leave at work at noon.
Kathy K
Hi Kathy,
First let me wish you the best of luck tomorrow. I think you'll do just fine. The psych evaluation was something I dreaded, but it actually turned out to be something I should not have worried about.
My best advice is to be honest. I'm not sure I agree with those who advised you against saying certain things. This is not some school test that we're all trying to pass in order to advance to the next grade. This is our lives we're dealing with here, and not everyone is ready to move on. From what I've read of your story online, I think you're going into this with the right mindset and expectations. So just relax, and be yourself!!
Good Luck!
Hi Kathy,
Good Luck tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do fine! The psychiatric evaluation is just to rule out the fact that you DO NOT have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulemia). Other than that, it's the basic questions about life, dieting, how you grew up. It's basically to see if you are mentally stable and to be sure you do not have an eating disorder.
I would be yourself.
Hi Kathy,
Please, relax about the psych evaluation. You will do just fine. Just be yourself, and be honest - there is no trick to it. You are very well prepared for the surgery, you have been doing lots of research and are involved in several support groups - these are all very positive things - and I'm sure you will have no problem tomorrow.
God bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
Hope your psych evaluation went well...(seeing its Monday morning right now) i know what you mean about being nervous. i have my evaluation on June 30th and i am too nervous..all the thoughts go through your mind that if you dont answer the questions right, will they let you have the surgery?? but im sure you will do fine.....just take the advise of those that have already had it.. and relax and be yourself.
Let us know how it went.
Hey Kathy,
Thank you for good advice and remind me that just be myself. ( I need to hear that words
) and I will be doing fine because I am involved into group supports and learned alot about this surgery from all of you.
I can not wait to get over with this evaluation this afternoon so I can being relax more tonight. Good Luck with your evaluation!! I will post update about this tomorrow morning since I will be in group support in middletown tonight
Kathy K
I agree with all the others, Kathy. Be honest and be yourself. I should be deemed clinically insane, but I did just fine.
They just want to be sure that you COMPLETELY understand the changes you will need to make AFTER surgery. That if you have an eating disorder, to get help. You will be fine - I promise! Good Luck!