Can't make the gathering
I just wanted to let you know that I will not be able to make the gathering tomorrow.
I am having weird things happen with my blood pressure and it drops low throughout the day and I get real dizzy.
I will miss meeting all of you.
As I have a heart condition, I don't feel that sitting out in the sun with low blood pressure would be my best alternative.
Have a great time everyone.
There's always next year!!!

Hi Maggie,
I am so sorry you can not make it tomorrow. I was looking forward to meet you tomorrow. Take easy and rest but I want to let you know that they have building inside to keep cool from the sun. If you change your mind and come over for a while with your hubby then that will be great but trust to listen your body tells you.
Hi Maggie,
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I can certainly understand your not wanting to sit out in the sun etc. I hope you will be able to make it and we will keep you inside where it is cooler etc. to keep you safe. If not we will meet sometime soon!!! Please let us know how you are feeling. I worry about you.