Don't think I'll make it.
Hi All
My daughters soccer team won their game on Saturday, which means they will be in the champianship game this Saturday. Unfortunately, they keep changing the time of the game because the other team seems to be having trouble getting all their girls together.
The game was supposed to be at 4pm, but now it looks like it will be at 12, so we won't be able to make it to the get together.
I'm bummed about that, I was so looking forward to seeing all of you again.
Sorry we won't be there. I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Geesh Chris,
You scared the heck out of me. I thought your weren't feeling well or something!! It's too bad you'll miss the ba****oo, have a family commitment, but they do come first.
I'm glad it was just a scheduling sna-foo and nothing health related. Hope this post finds you feeling well!