just venting
Okay guys,
Im sorry..i just need to vent a little.....my husband started a new job on May 1st. He will be eligible for their insurance on August 1st. I am very excited as the insurance is Blue Cross/Blue Shield Anthem Blue Care Plus and Linda at Dr. Bell's office said it is usually pretty easy to get approval. The insurance will only be costing us $25 a week for our family of three..and thru my company(which i will be eligible for their insurance the same time but it is pretty expensive) they will be giving me an "opt-out" amount almost equal to the $25 that we would be paying..so i feel very lucky..but anyway...im very frustrated because the DH is being a pain in the butt and has been very grumpy because he doesnt like his job....i dont "love" my job either, but i dont complain about it every second i get because we need the money and i am so afraid he will end up quitting, or finding another job where we might not be so lucky in the insurance department and then i wont be able to get the surgery when i want to........am i selfish to be thinking about myself?? he has always been a complainer about his jobs..so it just gets old
thanks for letting me vent...have a great day all !!!
Hello Deanne,
I am wondering what kind of job your husband works? Nobody is perfectly happy at work. I have to go work full time since my kids were babies because we need to use two income taxes not one to support ourselves and kids. I wish I can work part time but I can t .. I am not happy with my job but have to go work to earn some $$$ Try to think one time a day than worrying about future and have faith with god. That is great about your insurance. I am looking forward to stay home for a month after my surgery
Take care
see you at party
Try not to be too hard on him. I understand being stuck doing work you don't like ... I've been complaining about it myself lately. It's hard for other people to understand your personal frustrations regarding work.
That said, I hope he does stay long enough for you to get the insurance approval ... it's not too far off. Hang in there, encourage him to see the good in his job, and pray!!
Kathy F.
You are NOT being selfish. You are concerned about your health and you don't want to risk loosing your insurance before you can do something about it. Can you sit down and talk to your DH about your concerns? I know alot of people are not happy in there present job but in the end as long as it pays the bills that is all that matters. You do what you have to. Don't stress over it.
Best wishes,
thank you christine for showing me there are other people in my boat....last nite he told me it was my fault he took this job because i pressured him..and i felt bad..but them i told him...this job is $3 more an hour..plus excellent medical...he needs to suck it up..needless to say...its going to be a LONGGGG weekend i think
... i dont think i am being selfi****hink you have to do what u have to do to feed your family
People seldom "make" us do something without our consent. That's not playing fair. Just stick to your guns & help him see what a positive thing it would be for him to stay at the job long enough for you to get help that you really need. Sometimes we (he) just need to suck it up for the good of someone we love -- this is his time!!
Good luck!
Kathy F.