Another rainy day & want another day off
Good morning all,
Did anybody else have trouble getting out of bed this morning? I feel like I need another day off just to rest from the weekend. My 8th grade son is having his big awards/graduation dinner tonight. I have been working on the centerpieces and other decorations plus I am in charge of their yearbook which will be distributed tonight. I'll take a deep breathe when it's all over and also get back to my treadmill. It's amazing how "the important things" get put off to the side.
Have a good week everyone.
Good Morning Carolyn,
I had a hard time to get up at 400 am to get ready to go work at 530 am this morning after a long weekend. It is almost over and you will get pamper yourself by going to Norwich spa to get feet massage or back mssage after working hard for their yearbook,gradution dinner tonight?
see you on June 12th
Hi everyone,
I am home this week still recouperating from surgery. I have to go back next Monday, even thought my surgeon suggested 3 weeks, no way the boss will go for it. I could use the extra week, but will have to deal with it, I do have a desk job, so I can sit enough.
Anyway, had family over this weekend, went food shopping, cooked out and did tons of laundry which was piling up since my surgery. I really did too much, also developed a draining incision. (Gross, but ok my surgeon says).
I was happy to send my husband to work and daughter to day care this morning. I need a vacation!!
Have a great day!