Dr. Valin's Patients
I'm 9 days post op now, still on stage 3. Broth, water, protein shakes.I think I missed this somewhere, but do I have to wait until I see him to get my staples removed for his approval to start on things like yogurt, pudding, pureed soups? Or not? Just curious about that. I'm sure I've got the literature somewhere, but my memory just doesn't cut it. I'm not sure when to start what stage. Any advice would be helpful.
Yes you do.
Deb will clear you when you go for your first post op visit. I called to see if I could start a little early and was given a very firm no!!! (Can't blame me for trying) Once you get to the wonderful world of puree, you have so much more variety. You do know that you can eat the creamed low fat soups now right? Just as long as they're strained.