I'm Home and an official loser
My Ct family,
I got home last night after a long and foggy drive from Providence RI. I had my surgery Tuesday at 730am. Spent two days in step down unit. My heart was racing I guess it was ready to get up and start the walking procedure. Then to top it my urine refused to flow so it made it along few days. When I finally got a room with out five other people I was put in with a little old 83yr old roommate. Who didnt want anyone to talk to me . It was kinda funny I talked with her I didnt need any doctors to ask me anything as soon as she would see them she would tell them what I drank, how I slept etc... I had a guardain angel. and gave her flowers when I left the hospital. But everything is going good. I have had diarrhea yesterday and today. Is this normal? The hospital said it was okay I was wondering if I was dumping As soon as I drank the protein drink they gave me in the hospital I was in the bathroom with diarrhea sweating and all clammy feeling. Today I did the same thing just not as bad. I am having terrible headaches they gave me shots for migraines and sent me home with imitrex. But after reading Anne's post I wonder if its a blood suger thing. I have to tell you some of the post made me laugh so hard I had to get my coughing splint. My kids are with grandma for the weekend so its just Brian (husband) and I hanging out. I have one question how much is normal to drink at this point?
Love and Laughter
Hi Kim!!
Welcome home. Glad to see you are doing okay. The headaches were horrible, but thankfully mine have stopped. They gave me Imitrex in the hospital too, which helped. But I think Linda was right, at least for me, the extra ounces of protein late at night and during the night have kept me headache free all day.
I haven't had diarrhea, I actually haven't gone since Sunday, and I too was wondering was was normal and what could be done for it?
I am sure you will feel better every day.
Welcome back.
Boy oh boy, unfortunately this is an area I am an expert on!! Go get some Senna Tea, it is caffiene free and taste pretty good. I use (now don't laugh) SMOOTH MOVE I get it from a health food store. It doesn't taste bad and truly works and doesn't have anything bad that we can't have. I drink a cup every night! And I am mooovvvvinng along!!
Good luck!
Hi Kim,
So glad you are home and doing okay. The diarrhea is not unusual from what I hear. Some of the protein drinks are milk based and you might have had a reaction to that. What do they have you drinking? As far as fluids go just drink to what you can tolerate. The more the better. I found that chicken broth went down very easy and things like Fruit 2 O or Crystal Lite were good also. Try moving the times you drink your ensure or what ever it is that you are using. It really helped my headaches and seems to have helped Anne also. Keep us updated!!! Hope you will be able to come on the 12th.