Roll Call

on 5/27/04 9:25 pm - Milford, CT
Hello Everyone, Well I thought I would start early this weekend and hope to hear from everyone. This is a good time to update us on what is happening in your life, tell a story or just say hello. I thought I would start this off with my update and of course a few words of reminder about the CT Get Together. Soooooo here goes!! I am 6 1/2 months post-op and down 85 pounds (although I haven't been on a scale in a few days). I did measure last week and I have lost about 50 inches. It sure is alot more fun to do things than it had been for a long long time. I am away visiting cousins and I can honestly say that the plane rides, while some issues with turbulance and lateness were not issues with my fitting into the seats or being uncomfortable sitting next to people I didn't know. I went to this mall yesterday and lo and behold there was my favorite store.........Coldwater Creek!! Now I have ordered lots of things on line and through the catalogs from them but have never been in an actual store. What fun that was!!! Can't believe the money I spent but I got some really cool clothes . I feel great and while my sleeping isn't great it is getting better. . Haven't checked my sugar in a few days but it seems to be fluctuating but within an okay range. Not sure why as I don't eat anything that should be effecting it and I exercise regularly.......ahhhhh well.......... Would I do this again? Absolutely. Do I have any regrets? just one. I regret that I didn't do this years ago but hey I guess there is a reason for everything. Okay now to the reminders. June 12th is our 2nd CT Get Together. It is being held in East Windsor from 11:00am to ???? We are asking post op folks to bring pouch friendly foods, pre -op folks to bring beverages (like water, crystal lite, fruit 2 O etc or paper goods). Also if you are bringing food please bring the recipe so we can do a collection of them and send them out to everyone. Please bring your families and or friends. If you bring kids please let me know their ages so we can plan some appropriate activities for them. Post Ops please bring pictures. Everyone should bring lawn chairs or blankets for outside. Some people are bringing things for clothing exchange. That all said please rsvp to me with all your [email protected]. If you need directions just let me know and we will send them to you or post them again soon. Have a great weekend everyone. Be safe our there!!! Lets hear from you all........... Linda
Kathy K.
on 5/27/04 9:54 pm - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hello Everybody, Just few things update from me.... I gave up my diet pespi in two weeks ago and stick with water, diet ice tea and crystal light... yes I missed my diet pespi but knowing it will go fade later. Since I am not coffee drinker, I depended on diet pespi to keep me wake. Now I have to get used feeling little tired every morning but keeping walking around helps me keep wake. I emailed my dietican, Amy to give me advice to not eat or can eat so I can start my new food plans and will practice to use it before surgery. I ate my last birthday cake which have sugars in it and next birthday I qill have sugarless dessert for rest of my life but it is worth to have more heathlier and feel better than where I am now. Also Next year it will be special year for me because I will be big 40 with better healthier if I had a surgery this fall. This weekend, We will open our above pool and getv ready to use it this summer then on sunday We will go to my Aunt s house for memorial party and monday I will clean junks out and throw away from basement. I am looking forward to meet people at Gathering party and feel good to have an interpreter at the party. Have a nice weekend and please drive safe Kathy :wave;
on 5/27/04 10:34 pm - Milford, CT
Kathy, When you are through cleaning out your basement want to come and do mine??? . We have decided to sell your house and look for a condo and boy do I need "Clean Sweep" to come and help me . Have a good time at your Aunts and a great weekend. Linda
Maggie S.
on 5/27/04 10:30 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi Everyone Things are going good my way. I'm 18 days out and down 20 pounds. I haven't checked measurements yet. I've had trouble sleeping. Dr. Valin told me to try Benedryll. It's helping. I am still real sore on my left side and bruised pretty bad. This might have something to do with me wrestling around in recovery and pulling out my drain. Who knows. I'm just happy I can sleep on one side again. I have had to take no diabetes medicine since surgery and only half of my heart medications. What a relief not to have to do injections every morning. Hubby and I don't have any big plans for the weekend. Maybe do a little shopping as I do need some new things. (and of course I just love to shop) I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the 12. I feel like I've known you all for years now. Have a great weekend. Be safe. Maggie
on 5/27/04 10:36 pm - Milford, CT
Hi Maggie, Congrats clap: on your great weight loss. I am sure you already feel better especially cutting back on your meds. Isn't that great?? Hmm..........there is a new Coldwater Creek just openned up near you isn't there??? Wait for me!!!! I will shop with you!! Seriously though isn't it great to have this new group of friends? Linda
Carolyn S.
on 5/27/04 10:50 pm - Taftville, CT
RNY on 12/01/03 with
Good Morning All: Another rainy day, lets hope we see some sun this weekend. Friday is an easy day for me at school so I have some time to visit my favorite sight before the kids arrive. I'll start with my weight loss progress or lack there of. Since announcing to all of you that I lit the 100 pound mark the scale has decided to add two pounds back. I made my announcement too early! No biggy, I'll get there. All that matters is how wonderful I am feeling. I treasure every day. We have pretty big plans this weekend. My oldest son is turning 16 on the 1st and my younger son is graduating 8th grade (at the school I teach) next week. I also have a couple of nieces celebrating birthdays so we are planning a big family bash with volley ball, cookout, and barn fire. That's why I am hoping for some sun. Have a great weekend everyone and see you on the 12th. Carolyn
on 5/27/04 11:01 pm - Milford, CT
Hi Carolyn, Wow sounds like you have a very busy weekend ahead but definitely a fun one! Its such a good thing when families can get together for good occasions and really celebrate these milestones. I am so proud of your progress and I know those two pounds will disappear along with many others. I think these scales just like to reach havoc with our minds Can't wait to see you on the 12th. Don't forget to bring pics!! We may not recognize you other wise!!!!!! Linda
on 5/27/04 11:57 pm - Fairfield, CT
Hi everyone! It's so nice to see your friendly faces. I'm looking forward to the 12th ... if I ever make it!! Sometimes life just kicks you in the pants ... and I'm getting one heck of a kickin'!! My job has been a constant point of stress. I'm an admin asst. for a major company. I work for men who will be transferring to Charlotte at the end of the year, which won't break my heart, but in the meantime they're not very nice, quite condescending, and generally help me feel useless. THEN ... there's my apartment with a landlord who has decided to evict me because I was late with the rent this past month -- giving me 5 days' notice!! I'm such a wreck -- nothing like that has ever happened to me!! I'm going to get on the horn with an old co-worker/lawyer & see if I can smack him down. It looks like the b-friend and I are going to move in together a little sooner. It just makes me feel like such a loser. And we all know what happens when we're feeling low. I want to (1) cry like a baby and (2) eat a pound of sugar! Actually I'm too nauseous for the sugar right now, but I'll be ready for it soon ... Soooo, I'm being a giant downer. I scared to death & feel like I'm not contributing much to society right now. I suppose what I'm saying is I'd love a few words of support. Thanks for listening. Kathy F.
on 5/28/04 12:18 am - Branford, CT
Kathy: I am sorry you are feeling down. The weather sure does not help!!! I would definately call your lawyer friend because I do not think your landlord can give you only 5 days. Plus do you know how long it will take him to really evict you? MONTHS!!! Not that any of this makes you feel any better but you do have tenant rights. Stress at work. Got ta love it. Just count the days till those PITA's move away. I know when work sucks it makes everthing else misrable too. Just think we have a nice long weekend. Treat yourself to something nice like a pedicure or a new pair of strappy sandals (or both!!). Everything will work out in the end. Take care, Chryssie
on 5/28/04 2:20 am - Fairfield, CT
Chryssie -- Thanks for the kind words. Between all of this I've gotten a "combination" headache -- migraine-strength headaches plus back & muscle spasms -- not fun. I left a message for the dreaded landlord telling him i wanted to work out a schedule that would equitable for both us, but 5 days is not equitable, and if he insists on pursuing it I'll put my lawyer into play (he's a top litigator with a top firm ... as opposed to my landlords' attorney) and it'll get tied up for months. We'll see!! Thanks for listening to the cranky lady!! XO Kathy F.
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