The NA Update
Here is the scoop on what has been transpiring in my life of late:
Pulmonologist Consult - done this week. Waiting for an overnight oximeter. What the heck is that?
Cardiologist Consult - done last week. Waiting for a stress test to be scheduled. What is to be expected on a stress test??
Psychiatrist Consult - Done in April. She said I might be cuckoo, but not insane!
Radiological Consult - Done in April. No it tasted nothing like a strawberry milkshake, but I survived.
Dietician Consults - scheduled for June 10th and f/u July 13th.
Have been keeping a food log, even though I am so far away from surgery, marking down EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth. Typical breakfast: rice cake with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it, Lunch: tuna with lettuce or spinach and an orange, dinner is more difficult since I am home. What are your thoughts on this?
Exercise - Am going to try rebounding starting tonight since it is easier on the joints and such. And am going to try to follow the "Yoga For Dummies" DVD at least once per week.
Low Note - quit smoking about a month ago! Talk about difficult, especially now.
Well that's all for now. Any and all suggestions would be welcome!
Sounds like all your ducks are in a row, you just need to knock um down one by one.
I can't answer all of your questions, but I can tell you what to expect with a stress test.
You will go in and get an iv, they will monitor your heart and blood pressure while you walk on the treadmill and get your heart rate up.
When you are done with this portion, they will take pictures of your heart. (You'll need to stay very still for this...) Then they will inject a nuclear dye into the Iv. You wait two hours and do another set of pictures.
Sometimes instead of the treadmill, they will inject medicine into the iv that gets your heart rate up.
Good luck with all of your tests. Please keep us posted.
Hi NA!
Way to go with all of your updates. I can shed some light on your questions for you.
An Oximeter measures the haemoglobin in your oxygen. It's commonly called a "Pulse Ox" or the Nurse will check your "Sats" (Saturation). It's the little clip that goes on your finger or toe with the red light.
A stress test is when the cardiologist hooks electrodes to your chest and you run on a treadmill. It (for lack of better words) SUCKS! But just take your time and relax.
Cookoo is okay. I'm a firm believer in being a little nanners!
I'm not a big fan of keeping a food log. I think it's because I am so darn lazy!
Also, my doctor doesn't require this. Hallelujah!
I wish you luck and please keep us updated! Update your profile too. I skim through those all day every day. I mean really, what else am I going to do when I am at work?!?
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. The rebounder (mini trampoline) is very fun, but you can feel it very quickly. Unfortunately being on the second floor in our building, I am going to have to bounce in the basement! LOL
This food log is hard to do sometimes, but I have been brutally honest, to do otherwise would make it pointless. Thanks for the idea to mark down proteins, etc. I had just been marking down calories. I guess I had better step it up a notch.
As far as the low note on quitting
, I only meant it as in WHOA NELLY now I am giving up 2 vices, tee hee. But it definitely is a good thing.