update, nothing great to report.
Hi gang. Thanks so much for all of you who have contacted me personally to check in re- the whole baby thing...
This round of IUI, unfortunately, didn't take. So, we're going to try again in, hopefully, a few days. We are, of course, disappointed, but, not teribly discouraged. So, we'll keep plugging away.
Again, thanks so much for all your kind thoughts and words. I just wanted to update you all.
Lisa C
Hi Lisa,
Sorry for the negative results, I know it is hard to go through this.
To get so hopeful, and then nothing.
I had spent from 2/2002 to 12/2003 trying to get pregnant, with IUI's, injections, etc. It actually worked twice, but I had miscarriages both times. Of course, I was/am still pre-op, 42 years old now and weigh 300 pounds. If I had weighed less I'm sure it would have been successful.
We have decided not to try again after I lose the weight, because by then I will be +/- 44. We have a 5 year old now, and she is great. Although I still feel a pang of sadness when I see a baby.
You have done the surgery, lost the weight and are healthy now.
I'm sure the next round will be the one for you!! Hang in there and try
to be positive. It will happen for you!!
I'm sorry to hear things didn't take this time. I know from the experiences of friends how frustrating it can all be.
It sounds like your spirits are still pretty good -- that's a good thing. All you can do is try again and hope for a better outcome the next time around. We'll keep sending out prayers/positive thoughts your way!
Kathy F.
Hi Lisa,
I am so sorry that things didn't work out this month but don't give up hope and remember that we are all praying for you. Relax, take some deep breathes and begin again. You are one determined lady and your weight loss says that in spades. I wish you lots and lots of good things. Hope to see you on the 12th!!