Any suggestions on books on the surgery?
I bought a book called "Weight Loss Surgery, what every patient needs to know". It was written by a doctor whose wife , I believe, had the surgery. It was extremely informative and covered all types of surgery, the risks, the benefits, the diet afterwards, etc. I got it from
The place I learned the most though was the monthly support group meetings. There is a mix of pre-op and post-op patients, and I learned much more through them than any book or magazine. Also this website
here is tremendous!
I have several books on WLS that I could loan you. I will bring them to the group meeting at Yale or the get together if you would like. I just ordered 2 new ones as well. I have both of Carney Wilsons books ,the new Susan Maria book and lots of other ones I can not think of the names now & I am at work. Just let me know if you want me to bring them. Or if you want we can meet for tea/coffee at Starbucks and I can bring them. Just let me know.