Tuesday Log
I'm finally feeling better, THANK GOD! So much better that I was hyper since Sunday late night until yesterday night... It was like night and day ... I don't know what happened or what I had last week, but try as I may to eat the foods i had prepared for myself... I was vomiting a little to much for my taste, not finishing my plate and by end of the week I couldn't even look or smell at food and began to end up surviving on liquids for a little bit. Then Sunday evening, I seem to feel better. Felt so much energy like I don't remember having.... I was so hyper I cleaned my kitchen, washed all dishes, cleaned floors, made a christmas wreath, prepared my lunch for the next day and even prepared dinner for the next day.... did it all in 45min. I'm still a bit wired today however to a lesser extent but feeling SO GREAT! ITS A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY; even if isn't Friday
So on to todays food log:
B- 1 scrambled egg with a slice of american cheese - 9g protein, 3g carb
S - 1 oz string mozzarella cheese - 7g protein, 1g carb (only if I get hungry between B and L) L - 2 oz of homemade Shepherds Pie (although not sure if I will eat all 2oz, I packed that much) - 8g protein. 14g carbs S - 0.50 oz of salted almonds - 3g protein, 2g carbs (only if I get hungry between L and D) D - 1.5oz of flounder broiled - 11g protein, Besides what I have planned out for my meals today I also have a 20oz bottle of Zero Carb Isopure - 40g of protein to drink threw out the day, that should bring my total protein for the day to 68 - 78g protein and 17g to 20g carbs. Liquids - water, tea, decaf coffee Excercise - NOW this I am excited about. I get to meet my personal trainer for the first time today. I can't wait to see what work out she plans out for me!
So glad that you are feeling better.