Fistula Questions
Hi Kathy, I haven't had any experience with having a fistula or large stoma opening..I have heard of a new procedure for the enlarged stoma which some doctors are doing and it is injections of a substance to produce scarring around the stoma and tighten it. As for the fistula you might post that on the graduates message board. There are alot of postops who are quite a few years out from surgery and you might get an answer there.
Best of luck
Hi Kathy Yes, I've heard about a doctor in NY as well. However, I don't need a new doctor - I still have the wonderful, Dr. Bell, and if necessary, I have Dr. Thompson at Brigham & Womens. Since I posted this morning, I found out that Dr. Thompson can fix the fistula via endoscopy - which would be the method I would prefer. I have an appointment with Dr. Bell next week, and I'll be able to find out what he thinks I should do. The thing is, I've been unable to find anyone who has had a similar experience, and yet, I was told this is a relatively common occurrence. Thanks for offering to help. Kathy
If you were done laparoscopically (which I thought was how Dr. Bell performs the RNY), then your pouch and remnant should have been transected (that's what the stapler does), Has anyone explained how the fistula formed? Given the truly minimally invasive nature of the work at B&W in Boston, if I needed any sort of revision, I would race there for the corrective work-- they have assembled a remarkable team.
I'm really not sure how the fistula was formed, or when it formed. Interestingly enough, I emailed Dr. Bell and he replied that the fistula would not be the reason for my weight gain, in fact, he said most people with fistula's have weight loss.... That is different from what they said at B&W. I also know that my stoma is 3 cms - should only be 2 cms, so I would have qualified for the RESTORe clinical trial, which would have been great, and the large stoma would cause weight gain.
Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it. Kathy
Lisa C
From CT