Stupid Question Time & Thanks!!!
Bear with me, as I haven't even finished all my consults , but I am confident, as they have all be scheduled, and I believe (check with me in a few months, LOL) that I have the emotional fortitude see this through!
My question is...What kind of arrangements do you think they could make if you have no one to drive you to and from the hospital? Just curious as my entire family lives nowhere near here. It is just one of those random thoughts that popped in my head along with everything else that seems to be flying by me.
On another note, wanted to express my thanks to all of you who were kind enough as well as brave enough to post your situation for those of us who come after you in this process. With no one to help me make the decision to go for it, had it not been for these message boards and the amazing amount of information I have gleaned from here, I would be completely lost. I am forever in the debt of the wonderful people who share through this message board. You've come to my rescue!!!
I know in my area, they have medical services to pick up and drop off patients that have no other means of getting to and from. You might want to look into something like that.
Do you have anyone that can help you or stay with you when you get home? It must be hard with family far away.
This is a wonderful site with lots of friendly people.
Good luck, and keep us posted,
Hi N!
Welcome to the CT Boards and I will have you know there is no such thing as a stupid question. Ask any and all that is what we are all here for and what we all have done at one point or another.
Does the Doctor you are going to have support group meetings? If so you might ask around at the meetings if anyone could help you with transportation and I think you already had someone offer There are alot of out there!! Good luck and hope to hear from you as you move through your journey.