CT Support Groups??
Hi All -
Has anyone done any research on support groups here in CT and compiled a list?
I mean other than those associated with each of the surgeons, does anyone run or attend any other groups?
I'd really like to get into a routine for post-op support in addition to the huge audiences that attend the surgeon seminars monthly.
If there isn't anything in New Haven County - would anyone be interested in starting our own group??
Thanks all!!
I do know the American Bariatric Society was compiling a directory of support group meetings and the only way I know this is my surgeon asked me to be the contact person on it. So if I hear anything, I will let you know right away.
I thought Yale New Haven had a pretty big group. If not, If I were you, I'd contact Linda Almonte. You can find her name in our state list, she is very involved in the WLS community so she may be able to steer you in the right direction.
How are you doing??? Are you feeling well?
Hi Carla,
Glad to see you back!! There is a monthly meeting at Yale, on the second Tues of every month. It is basically for Dr. Bell's patients but there are others who come who have gone to other surgeons. I have just started taking over facilitating this group. We are going to have a speaker on May 4th, who is a therapist who had WLS himself. We would be glad to have you attend. Also there is a monthly meeting in New London at Lawrence and Memorial Hospital that is not associated with the hospital or any particular surgeon. I can give you contact inforamtion on that if you are interested. I know that there are some groups in the Valley that some one on here was running. I haven't seen anything much from her since she had a baby a few months ago. Hope this helps!

Linda -
I am still getting used to seeing this hot new picture of you!! My my...
Thanks for the info on the support group at Yale. Unfortunately I may be in training from 5-9pm on the 4th (don't ask!). If it happens that I'm not though I may join you. And you're facilitating now?? How great is that!!! Email me the logistics if you don't mind, just in case!!