Too Quiet Around HERE!!!!!
Hi Paula, I haven't been on the computer much lately.. Have had roller coasters in my personal life that needed attending.. For Turkey day I make sugar free lower fat desserts so I can have a little "cheat".. However I need to give them away, bring it to work or throw it out when I'm done...even sugar free can set me off to want to eat more than I should. Emotional Eating.. More like "grazing" at night... I recognize it for what it is...however there are days I just don't stop... even if it's usually good choices I regret the extra I put in my body. I've been on a 100 calorie popcorn bag kick lately... I should just throw out the rest of the bags or bring them to work.
Vitamins....very faithful..
Drinking.. some days are better than others. Need to focus daily on getting in the full amount. Exercising... Faithfully at least 1 hour a day during my lunch break..... every other day after work 1-1/2 hours and weekends... 1 day off during the week to rest. Combination of weight training, core strength, and cardio. LOVE IT....It's my "me" time. Frustration: Grazing.... can't stand it & just can't seem to stop...some nights are better than others. 2nd frustration... I've been the same weight for over a year now.. & suddenly my jeans are tighter???? What the heck? My body is super toned.. but around my lower back/middle it's loose (again) extra skin.. I called my plastic surgeon... & because of all the weight training cardio... any fat I did have under the skin is gone & being replaced by muscle sooooo that's changing the dynamics of how my clothes are fitting. I'll need a "side saddle/lower back" lift but that ain't happening.. can't afford it. I shouldn't complain but of course it's making me feel FAT (again) Protein - I'm good with...
WOW many.... so good... so wonderful! Gifts.... I have my health & my beautiful family.. that's enough... although a few $$$$$ extra in the checking account can't hurt... tee hee We are looking at taking a trip to Disney for our 10th anniversary next fall :-) Take care everyone & have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Mickey