Too Quiet Around HERE!!!!!

Paula Hep
on 11/16/07 9:44 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 09/28/05 with
It's WAAAYYYY too quiet around here....let's get some discussion going, people~~~~~~~~~ What special recipes are you using for T-Day? Any emotional eating going on?  Big time here cause severe stress going on the last 7 weeks. Are you all taking your vitamins? Drinking you full amount? Exercising??? Protein? Any new WOW moments of late? What do you want for gifts this year? (I'm not buying them!) Remember, love yourself, love your family, fight for a cause, do something good for others, it'll help you get thru life and will make you feel great about yourself! Have a great weekend.... Paula

330+/230/200  (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)


precious 1
on 11/16/07 11:20 pm, edited 11/16/07 11:28 pm - CT
I have noticed also , not to many people post here I always wonder why ?? I post my question to the main Lap Band forum . Take a look at my question about ------  why not sugar ???  It was such a sensitive issue to so many people but I did appreciate all the replies .  I think is on page 4 or 5 now not sure . On some of your      ????    I'm taking my calcium I'm having trouble with my mutivatimin is the chewable centrum but I gag on it havent taking it in day's Yesterday I took one of my son's vitamins just because I felt bad about not talking any ,, I 'll call the  Dr's office Monday to see if they suggest just taking a reg mutivitamin that I can swallow I really haven't had any problems taking in pills. On the drinking my liquids I try but I get full so quickly it takes me about 4/5 sips of anything then wait a few hours before taking anything else since being banded Nov 13th. Hope your weekend is of to a good start ..... Precious

Joanne G.
on 11/17/07 2:04 am - Vernon Rockville, CT
Don't ship your vitamin..I have to take mine crushed up in yogurt every morning infact that is my breakfast  so maybe you can try that I bought the pill crusher at walmart for $3.00



Julio Ramirez
on 11/17/07 4:59 am - Guilford, CT
 I use the CVS brand of Multivitamin , it's not too bad. I use sublingual B-12 and  Chewable fruit flavor  Calcium as well.  I get my water in with the help of those little packets of flavored  iced tea . Thank goodness for the cooler weather as I have brought out the Crock Pot and it does a wonderful job of making very moist and flavorful meals. I'm about 2 1/2 years out and am managing to stay in my 10 pound window. . Still going to the gym and  behaving most of the time. . Happy Holidays to all and remember if you think you might be tempted to eat the wrong things at holiday party's, just   eat at home so you won't be hungry when you get to the event. . Works for me !  Take Care,                                                                                                                                                      Julio
on 11/18/07 1:34 pm - newington, CT
hi precious, i take a liquid multi vitamin, it's pretty good. i buy it at the vitamin store. it's called, my favorite multiple. hope that helps. teresa
on 11/17/07 4:58 am - North Haven, CT
RNY on 03/24/08 with

I'm practicing not drinking while I'm eating and I find that very difficult. What do you do if you eat something hot? (I know you should let it cool first) I'm told no drinking 1/2 hour before and after as well as during meals. Its funny on all diets I have been on you are told to drink several glasses of water before each meal. Now none.

Paula Hep
on 11/17/07 7:40 am - Windsor, CT
RNY on 09/28/05 with
Right after surgery, it's no liquids  before, during or after meals up to one hour.  If I absolutely HAVE to take a sip to get a taste out of my mouth, I will, but ice chips are good, too. Once you're 6 months out, Dr A will have you start what's called "water loading" prior to eating.  It's chug a lugging as much calorie free liquids as fast as you can up to fifteen minutes before your meal.  This stimulates your pouch and tricks your brain into think you're fuller faster.  It does work it you do it. Paula

330+/230/200  (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)


on 11/17/07 7:49 am - North Haven, CT
RNY on 03/24/08 with

Thanks Paula! Oh good, so I will be able to drink with meals eventually. I swear my brain is going into overload. I'm going to have to get a notebook and start writing all these things down.

Tammy M
on 11/17/07 8:31 pm, edited 11/17/07 8:47 pm - Somers, CT
Hi Rich - You will never be able to drink with meals if you want your surgery to work properly for you. You will be able to drink BEFORE and after. There are different rules from the time durations - but the particular rule is somewhat universal for both RNY and lap band - Your doctor will have you water load before the meal - not during the meal. Don't worry - you will totally get used to no drinking during the meal - a notebook is a great idea - it's very hard to get all the information transferred from short term memory into long term - writing it down and reviewing will make it much easier for you and will be especially helpful if you find some conflicted information you will remember to ask your doctor about it!
Warm Regards - Tammy -
Lilypie - (dOEW)preview image
Tammy M
on 11/17/07 8:46 pm, edited 11/17/07 8:50 pm - Somers, CT
EMOTIONAL - ME????? I have been a stressed out mess between work and school - I can not wait for this class I've enrolled in to end - I am taking a year off - If I had known I was going to get pregnant I would have never signed up for a class - the exhaustion and lack of brain function are pulling my perfect 4.0 gpa down - oh well :') There are worse things that could happen in life! I had to move my desk at work - a place where I've been for 7 years and loved to a new place with a really mean guy that sits by me. I ended up crying in the bathroom at 6:30 a.m. on Friday - I had to work very hard to gain my composure at work I'll tell you! If this hostile attitude continues I will be forced to bring it to HR - I hate to have it come to that but this guy is just nasty - He actually had a temper tantrum because when I moved in I wanted a panel installed at the end of my desk which blocked the plug for the microwave. He picked up the microwave and literally threw it down in his office. I tried to talk to him to resolve his anger issues (I just said - "have I done something to upset you?") and he completely ignored me by not looking up from his desk and said - "I don't want to talk to you". On a happy note - we are finding out if we are having a girl or a boy next Weds. (11/21)!!! My pregnancy is going well. I'm trying not to eat junk (I have an occasionally slip). I passed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test - which is amazing since I had gestatinoal diabetes with Nathan! My sugars were so low at the end though I am lucky that I didn't pass out. My fasting number was 83 - first hour 137 - second hour 114 and the third hour when I left it was 42!! I think the quest labs should have some crackers on hand to give to pregnant ladies after they've taken the 3 hour test - I probably shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel of a car - had I known my levels were that low I certainly wouldn't have! All is well though that's the important thing! To answer your questions: Vitamins - Great! Water - Great! Exercise - HORRIBLE! I am horrible about exercise - just horrible - that is my biggest issue in life and has been since childhood. Protein - I could be doing better. What about carbs? I kick butt there My mother is facing double knee replacement on 12/7 - if everyone could please keep her in your prayers I would be greatly appreciative   Now that I have managed to avoid doing my homework for a bit - I think it's time to stop procrastinating Paula - Aren't you glad you asked??
Warm Regards - Tammy -
Lilypie - (dOEW)preview image
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