A journey to the doctor!

on 1/28/04 1:25 am - Burlington, CT
Hi Everyone!! I have been under a great deal of stress this week at work. Thank God it's almost finished. (my project) I've also decided to change my PCP. It seemed at the beginning (pe-op) he was so understanding of the changes I would be going thru but ever since post op it has been a struggle and I feel like another number to him. So yesterday, I went back to this doc I had a long time ago. He's in Bristol not far from me in Burlington. Anyway, he TOTALLY understood, my inability to absorb certain meds, like Wellbutrin XL, my other doc INSISTED I could! He also put me on Ambein to sleep. I have suffered insomnia since my surgery. I wake up at around 2 or 3 and that's it! He really listened when I just told him, I am grateful for my surgery and have NO regrets, but still have these annoying medical problems that my other PCP didn't want to hear. I have chronic back pain from a cyst and I am afraid to get it removed. My other PCP wanted me to go to a chiropractor and I am terrified of them since someone I know went to one and is now permanently injured. So he put me on this non addicting pain med that is NOT an anti inflammatory, the other doc told me to take Ultram which IS!! See???? You really have to be your own advocate with your health! Then he ran a huge amount of blood work on me because I wake up with charlie horses in my calves and he said I could be low on potassium. Isn't this amazing?? Guess what he did at the end of our visit...gave me a hug and said he was glad I decided to come back to him. Isn't that sweet??? I know this must make me sound like a hypocondriac, but I've been saving these "ailments" up for so long because that other guy wouldn't listen to me! A doctor HAS to LISTEN!!!! Right???? thanks for letting me vent here, I know this is long..... GO HUSKIES!! Cheryl
Tove Annelise H.
on 1/28/04 2:42 am - Middletown, Ct
RNY on 10/06/03 with
Hi Cheryl It's everybodys right to chose/change or get a second openium and sometimes we don't use that right....if I had not taken matters into my own hands a year ago when I got sick in my right lung, who knows if I would have been here to talk about it. I'm sorry you have to go to ailments.......but happy that you went to another doctor, whom is botthering to make the test.....sometimes it's just good to have the test taken to simply outrule certain things and get a grab on it. I hope the Ambien helps, I been taking those for a few years. Make sure you are ready to go to bed when you take them, after the surgery they work in less than 10 minute on me (before it would take 30 min). I wish you all the best and hope you will feel better soon. Hugs from Tove
on 1/28/04 2:57 am - New Britain, CT
RNY on 10/06/03 with
Hi Cheryl, Good for you or taking charge of your health! It's an ongiong, lifetime committment, and finding the right Doctor can always be a challenge. The other reason I'm responding is I too suffer from insomnia since surgery...I am sometimes exhausted at 8pm, go to bed at nine (8 just seems too early, you know?) and I'm wide awake at 2-3am. Even if I stay up later I'm up by 3am regardless of my bedtime. I'll make sure I nention this to Dr Aranow next time I see him...I thought it might just be me since I've suffered from insomnia at diferent points in my life. It's amazing how well one can function with 3 hours of sleep! Take care!
on 1/28/04 3:46 am - Burlington, CT
Tove and Deb- I hope you both see this, I took my first Ambien last night and Tove, you are right, it does take effect right away, but I slept like a baby ALL NIGHT long! What a wonderful thing!! I knew I was taking a chance posting all that because of what a case I sound like, but I am amazed at how many people also suffer from insomnia. You know, sometimes I feel the pressure that now I have lost weight, I have no right to complain about anything else!! thank you both! Cheryl
Tove Annelise H.
on 1/28/04 7:02 am - Middletown, Ct
RNY on 10/06/03 with
Cheryl, offcause you can complain and it's only by being open and write about it that you get to find out that "you are perfectly normal" and we are many in the same boat. Sleep good tonight and let the angels sing, hugs from Tove
on 1/28/04 8:34 am - Milford, CT
Hey Cheryl, Wow I am so jealous. A good night's sleep!!! What I wouldn't do for that . Actually next week they are going to lower the pressure in my cpap so maybe I can start using it again. However, I don't think that is going to do much. Maybe you can pass the ambien... I applaud you for finding a new PCP. I am very unhappy with mine also but I decided to give her one more chance. I have a physical scheduled in April and I will decide after that. The thing is I don't go often to my PCP. I was seeing my endrocronologist regularly and then other specialists as needed. I just don't feel that my PCP has any kind of sense about who I am and what I need. Not that I know..... What do you think about our Huskies?? I am watching the Men as I type. I kind of missed the girls yesterday. It was on but I was on the phone thru the whole game. (long story). I told you didn't I that I am going to New Orleans??? Can't wait. Take care and you are doing an awesome job my friend. Linda
Cathy S.
on 1/28/04 8:55 am - Plainville, Ct
Hi Cheryl, Having a great physical with an understanding DR is so necessary. Glad to see that you found someone who is right for you. Take care of yourself so we can get together soon. Love, Cathy
Joann S.
on 1/28/04 10:36 am - Enfield, CT
Hey Cheryl! Don't ever worry about posting on here. I read every one of your posts...and I have learned A LOT from you!!! I found the part about the leg cramps to be interesting...because I have been experiencing them a lot since the surgery...so I am going to try and get a little of potassium into me and see if that helps alleviate!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Kathy B.
on 1/29/04 8:14 am - East Windsor, CT
Hi Cheryl, You are such a sweetheart to everyone here on this board - we all love you and care about what you are going through. No need to be embarrassed or concerned about sharing what you need to get off your mind with us - we want to help . Having a good PCP is SOOOO important. I have the absolute best in the world - but she is up here in East Windsor. She has been so supportive, and she's so thorough, and always has time to listen and always has plenty of articles for us to read to help us understand our ailments, etc. She's great! In fact, just today she called me to see if she could refer another patient of hers to me for info on Lap RNY - I thought that was great too - she's helping another patient, and allowing them to get info first hand. Anyways, you did the right thing switching. It took me a long time to do that, and as you can tell, I'm delighted that I did. If your doctor has any problems with what you tell him/her, then they should contact your surgeon so they get the info first hand. The fact that the other doc would blow you off is awful. My doctor would either take my word for it, or call to find out the nitty-gritty. And as far as sleeping goes - I'm so glad you got a few good zzz's last night - and that you can look forward to more tonight! It makes a world of difference. God Bless, Kathy Bilodeau
on 1/29/04 9:49 am - Burlington, CT
Kathy, I have to tell you, tonight reading your post was just what the doctor ordered. You made my day!! I DO feel safe with what I post here, because I figure one of 2 things, either someone else has gone through the same thing and can relate or someone WILL go through the same thing and will know what to expect. Tomorrow will hopefully be the last day of this killer project I am on and I can relax this weekend. I agree whole heartedly with you, having a doc that you can talk to openly means so much! Well, off to take my new night night meds!! What a relief! Thanks again! Cheryl
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