I Have a Date!!!
Breathe deep? LOL. No, seriously- here's a few things to keep you busy:
1 A good thorough house cleaning might be good, since it will be a little while before you'll be able to perform this duty
2. Start exercising a little bit every day- even if it's just a 10 minute walk- anything is better than nothing
3. Get a few small packages of protein powders to have on hand post surgery(GNC is selling packets now!)- not a lot though. And a few staples (just a FEW!) from the grocery store- like NSA carnation instant breakfast, some soup, some pudding or jello and perhaps a diet drink mix that you like. Dont overstock- you'd be surprised how LITTLE you will use and also it's nice to take a little 'get out of jail' trip to the store when you feel up to it. 4. Pack a tiny bag for the hospital, you won't need much- but be sure to include something comfy and roomy to wear home and maybe a family photo and a small comfort item that makes you feel good like a luxurious moisturizing lotion- it's nice to feel loved & human post-surgery. 5. Journal about how you're feeling I'm sure others will come up with more~ Good luck to you!!!
Lisa C
From CT
Congratulations! You will be on the losers bench before you know it.
All the best.