Hi all my soaked CT OH Buds!!
Are we sick of this rain OR WHAT!!!
I wanted to be sure to come on the board tonight and give my very best wishes to Linda Wasserman and Darlene who are having their surgeries in the next few days!! Like I already told both of you and I am sure Kim will echo this, bring a small fan! Not only will it cool you off, but it may drown out some of the noise! Just remember, it isn't easy, but it sure is worth it! Lean on your loved ones or designated helpers for assistance, baby yourselves. Don't try to do too much, but breath and walk and (excuse me) fart!
You'll feel a whole lot better if you do!
I am so happy I have found our State board to be so kind. I have a recommendation for all of you! It is a treat type one! I went to the Noel Boutique Preview night last night in New Britain. (I met Rebecca Lobo) it was a big fund raiser where you can shop from different vendors and they had appetizers and entertainment. Anyway, I see this booth that has chocolate for diabetics. So I go over expecting the AWFUL malitol stuff and lo and behold, it isn't. This stuff has NO malitol or halitol or anything bad. Go to the website and see for yourself. It is www.givere.com I bought a small sampler to see if it would bother me. OMG, it is heavenly! I have not had chocolate since Kim and I tried buying Munsons sugar free which acted horribly on my pouch! ok, so here is the guy to buy it from, I told him I was sending all my OH friends to him so if you end up buying say Cheryl sent me!! It is the Gumdrop Garden in Cheshire (203)272-8542 [email protected] I never do this, but this was amazing stuff and low cal and low carb too. Let me know if you like it!!
Have a great evening all!!
love- Cheryl in Burlington open RNY 4/2 down 92 pounds!! Don't forget Dr. Giles support group meeting this week at UConn!!

Hi Cheryl,
Wow I am really jealous!! You met Rebecca Lobo!!!! 

I am a huge UConn Fan. As a matter of fact I am going to New Orleans for the Final Four in April. I fully expect out ladies to be there. We don't have tickets for the game yet but are going anyway. We will get tickets one way or another.
Thank you so much for the good wishes. I am so greatful for all the support that I get from my family and all my friends here. Now if the rain would just stop I will be all set.......
Have a good night and I will be back soon.........