:bath: Surgery Prep -HELP-
Take a bath woman and dont worry about anything, I would have been damned had they told me not to use deoderant lol I used it and they didnt say nothing, now if I wouldnt have used it they would have been complaining from the pit smell hahahaha
Ok so this is what you do the night before surgery.....
Go in your bathroom, light up some aroma therapy candles,lock out the kids if you have any hehe. Take a looooooong warm hot shower, use your best stuff!! Then put your wet hair up in a towel, get out the mud mask stuff, apply, while thats drying, take off allyour nail polish but paint your toes whateve if your favorite color. Take off all your jewelry too. After your done with your nails, go wash off your mud mask, dry your hair and wear your favorite jammies. Oh and dont forget to lotion up. In the hospital your skin might dry up a little. Burn some more aroma candles and nestle in with a good book and make sure you dont eat or drink anything after midnght.
You know, the night before my surgery I was scerenely calm..... NOT
hehehe. I did manage to get sleep though, which is surprising for me because I sleep all sorts of funky hours/times. But just remember this one thing, it doesnt really matter if you sleep good the night before because after your surgery you are gonna sleep plenty lol
For some reason I got that Doors song Break on thru to the other side stuck in my head now lol
I wish you all the best for your surgery, I'll be sending out lots of happy good vibes and plenty prayers your way. Take care.