clothing question
Hi again,
Can you tell I am home today??? OK, I am now an 18W in pants and XL (some) in tops. I am going to my 30th high school reunion the end of the month and want to look incredible! Where in CT can I get something smashing??? I am having such a hard time finding something I like.
I mean Lord and Taylor seems to have gotten so boring. I want something slimming of course. Black of course. Any suggestions of good places to shop?????
Hi Cheryl,
I know how you feel looking for not so boring clothes. I am not sure about stores here in CT. But i do know of 2 sellers on ebay that sell very nice clothing at reasonable prices, one is The other is She also has had nice clothes. I hope you find this information helpful. I have quite a few outfits from them. They are true to the size. Plus They are all new clothing.

Cheryl Hello and sorry that your not feeling good!! How about coming to New York for that smashing dress. I can meet you and we can go to all the stores, searching for that WOW-KNOCK THEM OVER-LOOK!! Just let me know. It's really too bad that they let this site get out of hand. I for one, do not come here that often anymore. Feel Better
Alice W.