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on 11/2/03 11:39 pm - Burlington, CT
Hi Everyone! I think since the main board is so crazy now, I am going to concentrate more on our little CT board!! I used to be a moderator which was a difficult and thankless job. Now they don't moderate at all and there are just so many things happening behind the scenes that are hateful and unprofessional, I have decided to just re-direct how I help on this website. So here I am. I am only 7 months out, but I think I can help people just by sharing what I have gone through. So if you have any questions please feel free to ask! and visit my profile! Kim B is my angelette, and Cathy S. is my un-official angelette who is having her surgery so soon!! We are getting together this Sat. for some shopping and good fun! You can make such good friends on this site! I am home today from work. I hurt my back over the weekend trying to put my garden to bed for the winter and over did it. I have a cyst in my lower back and I think I just made it worse. So here I si****ching TV and the lap top! At least I got to calculate my BMI and now am just obese, not Morbidly! That amazed me, only one more point and I will be overweight. I remember the first time I saw the word obese on one of my medical charts and started crying in the doctors office. I thought it must be a mistake! Well, I've rambled on enough here! Have a great day everyone!
on 11/3/03 12:03 am - Milford, CT
Hi Cheryl, I couldn't agree with you more regarding the main message boards. I find them difficult and much more time consuming to say the least . That said.....Welcome to the CT Board. This kind of comes and goes in spurts but maybe people will be more active here. My surgeon (Dr. Bell)'s site is pretty active and a great bunch of folks and alot of them do come here to the state boards also. I hope your back feels better soon. Its nice that you have your laptop to keep you busy with today. I am sorry our Boston trip got cancelled but hope we can reschedule sometime when I am post op!! That won't be too much longer . Take care and ttys.
on 11/3/03 1:54 am - Burlington, CT
Hi Linda! I was sorry too that we couldn't do the Boston trip, but maybe when it's closer to X-Mas we can and see Boston all dolled up! When is your surgery scheduled? Where is Dr. Bell located in Danbury? When they switched over to the new boards, they didn't even notify the moderators and we were in the mist of a huge controversy on what type of posts to hold. I had a person really put Joann L. down when she left the board and then came back, so of course being a friend I defended her. There was stuff like that, some of them thought they were "mod Gods". But now, I find the boards to be competition for who is the "queen of the boards" like Pam German. All she ever does is complain or have some kind of person against her. I posted my progress on the board and got one reply from Joann. That has NEVER happened before. Usually I would get so many. Now it seems everyone is just into themselves. No one really talks to each other. I thought when I was moderating I was helping and giving back to what gave me so much. Now I find it's not true. Eric Klein is not what he appears to be at all. It's so sad. Anyway, let me know how your doing?? Cheryl
on 11/3/03 12:12 pm - Milford, CT
Hi Cheryl, Wow, didn't realize things had gotten so bad. I knew some of what was going on but tried to stay out of it. Too bad that all these changes had to happen. I miss alot of people who seem to have disappeared for one reason or another. Anyway, My surgery is next Wed. Nov. 12th!! I am very excited. I am having it at Yale (that's where Dr. Bell is) which is only a few minutes from where I live. Tomorrow (Tues), I have a cardiology appt to get cardiac clearance. Unfortunately they didn't give me much notice that I needed that and I am hoping this Doctor will write up the report asap so things can go as scheduled. I have time set aside on Wed for a stress test if need be. I will be doing the surgery on myself if this gets screwed up......lol. Well just got back from seeing the Blue Man Group at Oakdale and I need to get to bed. Hope you are feeling better........
on 11/3/03 12:04 am - Milford, CT
Kathy B.
on 11/3/03 6:48 am - East Windsor, CT
Hi Cheryl Nice to see you posting on the CT board. I've gone to the main board - but I get lost. I enjoy this board and Dr. Bell's board. Sorry to hear about your back - but you are in good company! I left work after only 2 hours today, and I'm on strong medications for the pain, inflammation and pulled muscle. I'll be out of work for a few days for sure. By for now, Kathy Bilodeau
Kimberly B.
on 11/3/03 9:08 am - Corbin, KY
Hello my beautiful Angel... I'm so glad that you are going to concentrate on the local board for a while. Their (main board) loss is our gain! I know that you have helped and supported me and others so much that you will continue to be an awesome assett to others here as well. I'm sorry to hear that your back is giving you fits. I hope that a day of rest and relaxation today helped. Can't wait till Saturday... Much Love, Your shopaholic angelette Kim
Cathy S.
on 11/5/03 8:58 am - Plainville, Ct
Hi Cheryl, It's your angelette Cathy. I thought that it was the only me that felt overwelmed going to the main board. I thought that I was lazy or something for not getting into the swing of things. But in reality, it was just too big for me. I like this much better. Yes, Saturday is going to be so much fun. I think might have a little problem. I got sick two weeks ago and still have a bit of conjestion in my broncial sp tubes. I have an inhaler and I am doing everything I can to get better. At my pre-op the Anstesia nurse said that I can't be weezing the day of surgery. I am not weezing anymore but still sound a little horse. What do you think? I rested during my entire vacation, I didn't even go to Maine with my friends, but now I am back to work and resting when I get home. Please say a pray to the cold bug fairy so that I get rid of this fast. love, Cathy
on 11/6/03 8:25 am - Burlington, CT
Don't you worry hun, your gonna be just fine....this is meant to be! You have waited so long and patiently, nothing's going to stop you now! See you Sat. Be ready to shop!! love Cheryl
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