My poor friend
My friend had her surgery in May and it was a nightmare for her- all kinds of complications and she almost DIED. She has not been to see her surgeon since May. I nagged her and she called for a post op follow up and she can't get in to see him (Dr. Zuccalla in Danbury****il the middle of DECEMBER! I told her that she is nuts and that it should not be acceptable to her to wait that long! She has not even had any bloodwork done. She said that she went round and round with them but they would not budge. In my mind, this is sloppy on their part. She has not so much as had one B-12 shot!
My surgeon, Dr. Floch has me come in at a minimum every other month. The first three months I was there every other week.
I am so glad that I have a caring surgeon and not one who is only concerned with $$$$ and how many patients he can get through the OR doors!
I'm so sorry for your friend. This truly makes me mad. It is yet another example of people who are not qualified performing this surgery. Truly, if he was he would have a dedicated and stringent after care program to ensure the health and well being of his patients. We are not regular surgical patinets, we need regular follow up in order to make sure we stay healthy. Please encourage her to see her PCP and get her tests done there. My PCP has been following me since 2 weeks after my surgery and I see him at least once every 3 months now.