Guillain Barre Syndrome
I had to look up Guillain Barre syndrome , and the symptoms I am having are kind of simular to what was described. For the past 3 almost 4 weeks now, I've had unexplained leg pain in both of my shins and calves, but it's pain to the touch and a dull ache mostly all the time now., but the docs don't know what's causing it. I am seeing a new doctor on Weds, I am glad I saw your post, I can ask him about Guillain Barre syndrome . Thank you :)
Oh dear. I know this all too well. However, my situation was a little different. I developed GBS prior to my gastric bypass and unfortunately my GBS actually ended up being a chronic version called CIDP.
Feel free to email me offline if you have any questions regarding the disease/treatment etc...
Would be curious to know if you are still having symptoms or if your symptoms have subsided at this point.
Best of luck!!!