Time to Take Inventory.....Look Before You Leap...Think Before You Do.
As a gift I received WLS magazine. A really great read for me. Too many ads though.
Pre-Op I became obessed with life after surgery and the stories of how people traded their food addiction for those of alcohol, drugs, retail therapy, risk engaging behavior, etc.
Maybe I am over thinking this, and I am not a therapist, psychiatrist or any type of mental health provider...
if you are following your plan to doctors orders, there shouldn't be any question of trading one addiction for another. There is too much help out there for WLS patients, all you have to do is ASK.
With regards to my nutritionist and my physician there are many things that I have be instructed not to have....alchohol, any type of sweets, anything with sugar, refined sugar, highly processed etc. ad nauseum.
Lately it seems as if I am being bombarded with temptation all around me. Work, home, social situations. The worst think
The list is clear, concise, and large in my opinion, and yes it is sad when I see a sweet treat but that doesn't mean that I am going to try to find a way to "cheat". NO means NO, period!
After all the physical pain I have been through with the pre-op arthritis, and other co-morbidities, plus the post-operative pain; physical and emotional changes...cheating would be a horrible and terrifying experience for me. To cheat on any eating something forbidden or to tradeIt would begin the downward spiral back to the lifestyle I have worked so hard to overcome.
I have been living the WLS, some would say to the "extreme" but in my opinion it is all about discipline and behavior modifications.
Many co-workers, friends and family know of my struggle with my weight pre-op, and now of the challenges of my new lifestyle post-op. They are supportive, thrilled to see my accomplishments both big and small and look forward to something new everyday from me.
The moral to the story is, this is a HUGE lifestyle change.
This doesn't mean it can't be done.
EVERYONE who has had WLS owes it to themselves to follow their plan set-up by their their Physician and Nutritionist . To do so, would be the greatest thing next to having WLS.
So before you put that M & M in your mouth, or that bite of brownie, that sip of alcohol, or something worse...Please stop and ask yourself.........Do I really NEED to do this? If the answer is yes, you may need to go back and re-read all your literature that was given to you pre-op for your post-op lifestyle (just an opinion). i am not saying or implying that you are weak, just needing a little extra support. Call a friend, call your Dr.'s office, call your nutritionist or therapist.
Everyone has come so far, even those newbies just joining us on the loser's bench. We owe it to ourselves to continue to eat healthy, exercise, and stay focused on a healthier, eventually happier way of life.
So please everyone, Look before you leap, think before you do.
Well said.
I see it this way...
when we "react" rather than "act" and make poor choices... be it with food... or any other part of our lives that support sus...
for me...
I am abandoning myself.
I am not honoring my authentic self.
So each day I do my very best to honor me.
Hard lesson for this puppy some days.
I have spent most of my life putting me last on the list.
We all know that this can create a long list of reasons to eat.
Today I CHOOSE not to put myself last on the list.
And hopefully each day I get closer to the top of that list.
With food, I am 95%. There are some things that are just a big NO.
Those as you listed are just not up for debate.
With other stuff a work in progress.
Baby steps.
Thanks for the reminder... needed it this week!