One SERIOUS WOW, OMG, RU kidding me moment
I went for my 2 week post op appointment. I was soooo looking forward to having all this metal removed from my tender abdomen. You know, the washboard abs I fantasize about!!!!.
Anyway, I went into the appointment knowing that I lost some weight. My knickers are too big!
I can see it in my face, neck and shoulders that I have lost something.
As I apporached the evil scale, I said to it "Don't mess with me today, or I will take you OUT!" The nurse got a chuckle on that.
When I stepped on the digital scale I couldn't believe my eyes.......335 lbs. I was 375 lbs when I was weighed for my pre-surgical appointment.
I did the jello jiggle all the way down to the exam room! I am happy dancing!
THAT IS A 40 LBS LOSS OF WEIGHT! I'm still saying "pinch me" ! The doctor is pleased at my hard work and so am I. Now that my staples are out, I can really start working on exercising.
Rny 9-4-07 -158lbs
July 10th, 2009 Brachioplasty (Arms) & Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Congratulations ! You are doing just great.
All the best for your continued success.