8 months and SLOW weight loss-experienced WLS HELP!
Hi Everyone
I am 8 months out--lost 104 pounds. I'm happy but the last month has been SO SLOW! Only 7 pounds last month. I have kicked up the exercise--can't possibly drink any more water---any ideas? I have another 30-40 pounds to go and I'm concerned I'll be stuck here at this weight now. Can anyone address this?
Thanks for any and all suggestions!
First of all congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! I would not get to concerned. After such a large weight loss in 8 months your body is probably readjusting itself. ALso 7 pounds in one month is good. As the time passes your weight loss is bound to slow down some. As long as you are following the WLS rules as you were taught you will see the scale continue to go down but just not as fast as before. Also some of us have noticed that we have periods of time that we might not see the scale move then all of a sudden several pounds will drop off.
So hang in there I am sure things will go along the right way.
Congrats on your fantastic weight loss! 8 months and 104 pounds in NOT slow! However, you are out o the honeymoon period now and you will find that your weight loss will fluctuate more or may even stall a bit. The last pounds don't come off as easy as the first, and it is expected that your loss will slow as you near your goal weight.
THIS is the tiem that you have been in 'training' for the last 8 months! Now is time to make double sure you stick to the rules, eat well, (tracking your intake as much as possible) drink PLENTY, EXERCISE and water load if you are having any hunger problems.
Doing all of this will keep you well on the road to loosing those last pounds you want to!
Lisa C
From CT
Hi Sydney - time to shift your thinking and energies AWAY from the numbers on the scale and TOWARD enjoying the hell out of your new life! I truly believe that the ultimate secret to maintaining weight loss is living life fully, with great passion and truth, and especially learning how to navigate through the good and the bad of it without relying on food to make us feel better. The fundamentals are mandatory: eat healthily, and exercise regularly and vigorously. Period. But that's only half the story. Equally important is to project yourself into the world with great zeal for living and with profound gratitude for having been given a second chance at life! For me, it's a simple but most effective strategy: Know What You're Made of and Give It All Away! Find out how to do this on your own terms - but do it you must if you are to remain successful and sustain your remarkable weight loss. Good luck and keep us posted! Maureen
Wow, congratulations on your remarkable weight loss so far!!!!
Don't worry, you are completely normal and 7 pounds in a month is FANTASTIC!!
Like Lisa said above, you are out of the honeymoon stage. 1/2 to 3/4 of the weight magically drops off after surgery, but the rest for most people comes off slowly and at a more NORMAL pace. A pound or 2 a week is really good.
Be patient, always remember even if the weight loss has slowed, the weight is still coming off, NOT piling on.
You're doing great, keep the faith!!!