I am home!
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I am home and feeling pretty good.
I arrived at the hospital Wednesday and 12 noon, but they were behind because of a couple of other surgeries with complications. I did not get taken in until 5 pm...it was a LONG afternoon!!!
Everything we quickly from then on, my surgery only took 1.5 hours and then 2 hours in recovery. I was in my room and welcomed by my husband and daughter. Felt very out of it and in considerable pain until about 2 am when the second dose of whatever they were giving me really kicked in and then I slept until about 6 am and was awakened by a group of residents making rounds.
Had a decent first day, did lots of walking and sipping of my water. All was well until 3 am that next morning. I awoke to terrible pain, got up and walked and got some pain meds, which did nothing. After 6 rounds around the hall, bouts of nauseau, with shots of zofran etc. finally after 1.5 hours of this I got some relief and was able to sleep for a couple of hours. They tell me it was the gas they inject into you during surgery. It was HORRIBLE. Felt like a gall bladder attack that I had years ago that initiated the removal of my gall bladder.
The next morning, yesterday, I woke feeling much better and was told if I could handle 2 ounces of clear fluids I could go home. Well that was all I needed to hear. By 10:30 am I was leaving the hospital. Got home and took it easy.
So today is the first day with protein drinks. They definitely make my pouch feel different than just clear fluids. But not painful, just full. I am hoping to get on the treadmill and walk for 5 mins. slowly 2 time today. I do feel much better after walking.
Oh, by the way, I gained 10 pounds of fluid in the hospital! But already lost 5 of them, I got up to pee 4 times last night!
Thanks again for all the prayers and support. I will keep in touch.
Off to drink some water.