I am averaging about 1,000 calories a day. I'm curious what everyone else is getting in as far as calories? My doctor concentrates only on protein intake in his information. Is there a guideline out there for staying under a certain calorie count?
I'm taking my vitamins, calcium and B12 and I feel great. But should I be eating less calories or more?
Any input would be appreciated.
I am RNY so it might be a little diffrent. But when I am being good, (ie. no sweets or picking on crap) I eat around 650 - 800 calories. I try not to drink my calories. When I do... it is usually skim milk in my coffee... which i needed to cut out. And now that I am pregnanet... I have no choice. Guess I have to find other ways to stay awake
You could always make an appointment to see the nut and see what she says. If this is what you want to do... call Stacy now and make the appointment because they are booking into September now. I just saw Dr. A yesterday and made a nut appointment... for Sept 10, but also put my name on the cancel list.

~ Chrissy ~
Thanks Chrissy,
I will make an appt. for the nut. Hey, your pregnant!!! Congratulations. Sorry you had to give up your coffee.
I kind of thought I should be eating less but wasn't sure. I'm not due for a fill until the end of August so I hope I can keep from feeling hungry too much. My stomach is growling now and I have an hour until lunch time. Water isn't doing much to stop it.
Take care little mommy,
Glad you'll be making an appointment to chek in with the Nut. Remember- RNY and Lap Band are totally different surguries and have different guidelines- so go get yourself informed and I'm sure you'll feel lots better aobut your eating!
You should also take a look at if you arent using it. It's a great tool.
Good luck to you!
Lisa C
From CT