Good Morning Everybody, Here is update report about Bonnie: Bonnie was awake and alert. She talked with her brother as much as her strength permitted. Her brother said she seemed to be in good spirits but was clearly uncomfortable. We all know that it is uncomfortable around second days after surgery. I know Bonnie is happy that she is on losing side and is looking forward her new journey beguns... She doesn't have a fever and her other vital signs were good. Today they will do a barium swallow and if they goes well then htey will remove her NG tube and she should starts to take fluids by mouth . If everything goes well, They will remove Bonnie from ICU to a regular room. Thank you for your concerns and your prayers. SMILE!
Bonnie.... CONGRATS on the losing side !!!!!! From your Angel coach.... keep walking as much you can!!!!! Bonnie said if she feel well enough, she wants to meet all of you at WLS party on Aug 11th!