OT..Tragedy in Cheshire..I'm devastated
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
This is just so terrible. I can't imagine what that poor family went through. I'm saying prayers for all of them and for you as well. I've been following the story and it is just incomprehensible. What an awful thing to have happen - and now this poor man is without his entire family.
Thanks for posting about this...it's better to let your feelings out than to sabotage yourself by eating.
I'll be talking to you...
Hey Paula,
I heard about that awful tragedy from my brother, his boss/good friend lives right next store to Dr. Pettit and they are devasted too. I cant believe how evil those men were and what they did to that poor family. I hope they fry for that.
I will be praying for them all. I hope Dr. Pettit gets through this, losing your family in such a viscious way. Its awful.
I hope all is well with you to sweetie. Miss our chats.
God Bless.
My Life if Happy and Complete !!!!