My date is moved forward!!!
Ok folks! It is true...Wednesday, July 25th is my date now!!! I am only one week and one day away! I feel like a kid counting down the days!
Met with my surgeon today, she is wonderful, compassionate, knowledgeable and easy to work with. I feel very confident in her.
Soooo off to get the necessaries for my big day.
More later, I am sure!
Wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey.
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support! I am in pretty good shape, have all my post op beverages ready, have my hospital bag packed, have been walking 1.5 miles 6 days a week, have been following my pre op diet and not drinking with meals....
I am as ready as I will ever be!
Thanks again, you have all taught me so much!
You sure sound ready!
As you journey to the hospital on the 25th consider this... We are there with you... spreading our you may be rest assured as Dr. Choi gives you that tool to bring your health back. We will be smiling and holding you. You will have your sisters and brothers here at the OH CT forum... You will not be walking through the hospital doors alone! See you on the POST-op Side! Towanda
"We are such tender and fragile beings, yet such strong warriors."
What a great vision Towanda! Thank you for that gift, I printed out what you wrote and will read it as we drive to the hospital. Thank you all for the love and support. It means a good deal to have people who understand and care about the things that you are holding in your heart.
I am so unstressed right now, people keep asking if I am getting nervous, and I think I disappoint some of them with my "no, not really" response. I feel very ready and confident. I am holding a vision of a healthy and speedy recovery!
Off to hit the treadmill!
What are some of your favorite ways to get exercise in?