Recipe for Truffle
Well, write about what you know I guess. What I know about right now is sleeping in, reading a lot of books, kayaking a bit, walking, hikinh, and generally goofing off.
Well, if it is any consolation, those children you are eating will get bigger over time. Why, just the other day I realized that I could eat an 8-year old if properly tenderized. Then again, my cooking skills remind people of something Rodney Dengerfield used to say in joke:
"In my house we pray AFTER we eat "
I am totally with you on the goofing off thing. That has been the story of my life lately. I will sit at work and daydream about wafting through a field of poppies. Ain't life grand?
It's good to know that, at this point, you can eat an 8 year old. It's very reassuring. I was really thinking that I might have to stick with newborns forever. At my house, as far as the cooking goes, I am reminded more of a line Hannibal Lechter said "If you knew what was in it, you wouldn't eat it". I guess I am making myself sound so Marquis De Sade, but I really am more Judy Tenuta. PIG!!! MMMMM, BACON.
Your interests interest me. I have never been kayaking before but I would certainly like to try it. I would have to go with someone who has the patience of a saint, being that if something stupid is going to happen, it will happen to me. I will be the idiot who sinks the damn thing for no apparent reason. Folly follows me with a vengance. Just the other day I slipped on a banana peel. No, not on purpose. I ended up under some bushes, laughing my head off. My sister got pictures.
Sorry for the rambling... it goes back to the whole ADHD thing again.