3 weeks post op a couple of questions????
Now for the newbees that are reading this don't get scared everyone is different. I hvae not regretted my lap band decision once. Howver, I am sincerely sturggling with Dr/'s orders. I saw him on Tuesday and was devestated when he told me a couple more weeks of liquids. I am so tired and crying all the time from lack of the right calories. I loves fruits and vegtables. The problem is we can't have them for a while. He will not see me again until August 8th. I am only down 9 pounds since surgery. It is weird 1 day I will be down to 13pounds and the next only 9. I have this darn rollercoaster. I have also been doing the wrong calories when I get really hungry I need some type of ice cream or something since I can only have liquids. I have been crying so much the past 2 days and I feel so down. I am not sure if I am depressed since I am not really a depressive person. I am always up beat and cheerful. I am dying for a cheesburger though. Why can't I shake this feeling? Is anyone else going through the same thing. I know they call it bandster hell but I feel like I am in pergatory. What is wrong with me?
I can't believe you have to go a couple more WEEKS of liquids? Isn't that a bit excessive? Why can't you have some mushy food - like ricotta cheese or refried beans or sugar free pudding or apple sauce? Going well over a month before introducing at least some mushy food is really not something I've heard of before from anyone on the lap band forum or in any of the literature I researched - some doctors go one week of liquids some go two - but most introduce mushy after two weeks - I'm not saying to go against doctor orders - but I am saying to question what the rational is....don't wait until August 8th call and ask to speak to the doctor and find out why he is so much more stringent with the introduction with mushy food - does he know something that 99.9% of other band doctors don't? Go to the lap band forum and ask Dr. Curry about it - he is one of the best and most experienced lap band doctors in the U.S. and will give you the time of day...... I know that introducing solids too soon can have some bad ramifications on your band while it's healing - so do not give into your cheese burger thing just yet - but putting it in a blender with some cheese and ketchup and making it like baby food maybe! :) I don't blame you for being down - geeze your going through a lot - just hang in there............
It's hard - but DO NOT expect to lose weight while you are healing and before you get any restriction - if you do great - if you don't you shouldn't beat yourself up or be disappointed. As far as having ice cream - I can not point a finger because I am guilty too - but it is not a great choice - we know it - but that's another story. Have you been drinking protein shakes? Put away the scale until after you get the proper restriction if you can -
on 7/29/07 2:50 pm - New Milford, CT