Doing better today...
Thank you everyone for all your support!
My physc eval was a non event....I waited 45 mins. because there was some emergency and they were tied up with it, then went into her office, was asked 4-5 questions and got the thumbs up! I was in and out of her office in 6 mins! Unbelievable! Glad that is one more step behind me.
This morning I went to a nutrition class that was a good review of the various food stages my doc. will have me on.
Monday I have a "one on one" with my NUT because insurance requires it...I asked her what is there left to go over? She laughed and said we can look a labels and hidden things to watch for etc...
After Monday, all I have to do is wait for the official approval, which all my team says will be a breeze with my ins. and then meet with my surgeon on the 17th...maybe I will get a definite date before then.
Thanks again for all your responses...sometimes just hearing that others have had the same feelings and fears helps a good deal!!!
Lisa, it sounds like everything is falling into place for you.
You will be on the losers bench before you know it.
take care