I have fallen off the wagon
Ok, here it goes.........I just spent over a week at the hopital recovering from a diabetic foot infection. I have been on a high protein diet to shrink my livewr to prepare for gastric banding. In the hospital, the dietician asked that I eat some carbs for extra nutrition in order to heal. Made sense to me to eat well balanced. I have been home for a week and a half can't seem to get back on track. Also, next week I am having outpatient bladder surgery. There is a lot going on here. I am not eating junky stuff......just a great deal of healthy food. I lost almost 15 lbs in the hospital with the cellulitis and infection and I am starting to gain it back. Any suggestions???? Thanks
Sounds like you just need to get back on that wagon you fell off of. You have already seen the results you can get when you stick to it. It's okay to slip just as long as you remember to just dust yourself off and get back into the game! I keep sugar free ice pops in the freezer to snack on and drink water to keep me honest between meals.Best of Luck!