Round 2?
I didn't realize how much I'd been a ghost recently My weight has stabilized relatively decently Now the time has come to seek some plastic surgery and with the help of hernia and other forms of injury this process might be paid and once the surgery has made my tummy tucked in I will look somewhat more thin On July the 30th, tentitavely the procedure will occur... erm... bearibly pleasantly? Dave :)
You will do fine. Hope things get covered by insurance.Let us know how you make out. All the best for quick and hopefully not to painfull recovery. Sher">[url=]
Dr. Chech is an awesome doc!!!! I used to work for his group (Connecticut Surgical Group) and have an appointment with Dr. Babigian. I actually know (professionally and personally) a lot of people who have had tummy tucks and breast reductions by him and they have turned out fabulous.
Keep us informed and GOOD LUCK!!!!