Donations needed for raffle at the Picnic!!
Ok Ok... Nancy K reminded me... We need donations for the raffle!!!! In years past, many Oh CT members graciously donated items to be used for the raffle at the picnic. Do you have anything that could be donated?
such as...but not limited too....: Gift baskets, giftcards, if you own a business, perhaps the services of your company? any items that can be used to put together a gift basket? Remember, the proceeds from the raffle go to the ASBS and are counted towards money raised through the walk!! Let's band together Connecticutians (is that even a word??) Nancy K and I are in charge of the raffle this year, so you can contact either one of us.... Thank you so much!!! Dorota
Hi Dorota,
Bob and I will be willing to donate something towards the raffle. Be it items we gather/buy, or a gift card, etc. Or just cash so you can put it towards something bigger. Let me know...I'll send you something via mail. Paula
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)