We're CTians now!
Well, our move went very well from RI to CT. We moved out on June 14, had to stay in a hotel for 4 days and then the movers came and moved us in on the 18th. THey were excellent and everything went off without a glitch. Even all of the closings that actually went through all on one day. The only glitch that happened was that I got strep throat and felt awful last week. Not having a doc up here yet sent me to a walk in clinic where I was diagnosed and given anti-biotics and stuff for my throat. I'm feeling a bit better now. All of the stress and hectic(ness) must have brought it on (and maybe bacteria in the hotel's hot jacuzzi where bacteria breed like crazy, yuck!) We're getting setlled and Bob went back to work last week where his commute went from almost 200 miles a day to about 12 a day! He hits only one traffic light on his way to Bradley Tower and he's home for dinner and can relax in the morning with coffee and email! Do I sound happy? I am! I can't believe that it's finally happened and over. Phew! It seemed like it would never come. I was packing until 11:30pm the night before and got up and packed all of the dirty laundry an bedding that morning and marked it in big letters DIRTY! LOL I cooked my first meal here on Fri (a traditional Polish meal, kielbasa, homemade sauerkraut and pierogi - not homemade, but almost, from a place in MA) I made homemade sauce on Sat and Bob's Mom came over and she was our first to join us for a meal. Yesterday, my sister and her husband and beloved Poodle came over (she watched our two dogs for us the entire week we were moving) and had leftovers again and it was awesome. We hardly had any over in RI because of the long ride. Only when someone came to visit and stayed over did they eat with us.
Ok, that's all for now. Bob's off today and we've gotta get the "paperwork" stuff done...like new licenses, registrations, renewals and transfers. I'm not sure if DMV is open on Mon's, is it? I remember when I lived in CT years ago that the DMV was closed on Mon's I have to check. Hope everyone is well. Bob posted about his year anniversary and awesome weight loss. He's getting thinner and thinner. I've not lost anything in at least 9 months or more, but I've not gained, so that's good. I'm overdue for my appt w/ Dr Aranow, but now that I'm in CT, I can run right down and get it done. They sent me two postcards since March about needing to go in, but I was just too busy to get up there. On Sat, I got a "certified" letter from him letting me know that he cares about my health and follow up and to make sure to come in. I will make an appt today. Be well. And stay cool. It's gonna be HOT the next couple of days. Drink tha****er! Paula
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10