overweight daughter
The best thing you can do is to set a good example for her by eating healthy yourself. Have healthy foods available for her and encourage exercise. Don't criticise her or badger her about her eating habits. You want her to feel good about herself, no matter what she weighs. Educate her on what can occur from bad eating habits and being overweight.
All the best
Thanks for the advise. We do have healthy foods to eat in the house. We have been to programs to help read labels, we excrise, we joined curves and we ride our bikes daily. My daughter is a very happy child and has great friends. We have been to the doctors and doctors and none of them can give me any help. I dont think they know what to do. She does have some health issues an d the doctors say it has nothing to do with her weight. My older daughter is skinny as a pole. Hope to hear from you soon
Check with her doctor first, before you put her on any kind of diet/eating plan. I heard that Weigh****chers has a really good program that includes kids.
Remember that she's in that teen age and the hormones put on weight w/ girls. I know my daughter is just turning 9 and she's getting that little "pudge" around the middle. Having had bypass surgery, I try not to have any bad foods around. But, that's not always possible.
One thing I do do is: Don't have ice cream in the house. Too tempting. I take them out for ice cream once a week as a treat. I know your daughter is older and may hang w/ friends and you can't always control what she's eating (especially at school).
I don't keep chips, etc at home, either. If I do, it's the 100 calorie bags and I control them.
Check w/ her Pediatrician as to what to do. A drastic diet may hinder her growing body and hormones. They may just recommend a good eating plan, limited "bad" carbs, good lean protein, good carbs and lots of fruits and veggies. Lots of water too.
Get the soda out of the house, too.
Get her moving. Take the video games away for the summer. Get the bikes out and take them to a bike trail. CT has a ton of them. Take long walks. Find hiking trails. Sign her up for summer programs that include sports like basketball, soccer, etc.
Good luck!
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)