Bad news - Good News
Well I'm feeling a bit down and didn't want to bore all of you with it... but I need to let it out and I want to do it with people who have been where I am at.
On top of my weight I do have co-morbidities (I think that's the right term). I have high cholesterol 249 (back in August) and sugar fastening 109 (August).
In November when I went to my primary my cholesterol (224) and sugar (102) numbers were on the drop as my weight was down 5lbs. Well don't know what happened... to much good christmas food and me not paying attention but anyways by the time I went back to my doctor at the schedule 3 month mark and when I finally started going to Dr. Barba's office, my weight had gone up by total of 8lbs! That +3 from where I was.
So I made a commitment to stop! I wasn't going to sink further, I'm getting healthier and going ot move forward and doing this for me and my family and a future I want to be here for! I commited myself to doing what it takes to get the surgery done in order to get healthy and get back on the healthy track.
Last doctor visit - Wednesday April 11th -
Well my cholesterol has dropped to 200... So that's headed in the right direction. I don't take meds because I reacted badly to them; so the doctor wanted to see if we could work on lowering it without medication. Working so far. I'm committed to this!
My sugars... well they went the other way... it was 129 and that was fastening; first thing early morning. I heard him tell me the number and had to have him repeat it. He said he could no longer let me go without medication so now I have to take a little pill everyday! What happened??? I felt soooo ... I don't know like someone punched me. I'd been great... Cholesterol went down and Oh I did manage to lose 2lbs in 1month time (that's approx how long now since i started the whole process) and had been increasing my physical activity. Took the advice you all gave and started walking... 2lbs gone... cholesterol down and my sugar went up!
. I feel so disappointed in myself. I don't know what i did wrong or what to do to get it back on track
My PCP did sit down with me and we talked. I, of course, agreed to take my medication as he prescribed since he knew I was really unhappy about more pills. He said to just keep doing what i am doing. I haven't done anything wrong, and on the contrary I have been doing good changes, positive changes and its showing that this is just a minor thing (taking the pills) and that we will get it under control together. He fully endorses the surgery for me and said he will do whatever I need to help me along this. But I still feel like crap about another pill. *bangs head against desk*
j/k (Although I have hit the keyboard on my desk a few times and drawn stares... makes me giggle when people look at me like i'm nuts). I have to keep sense of humor or I'll truly go nuts!
Anyways.. getting sidetracked... I'm not sure what else i can do to help my body better control sugar. I got hit with bronchitis recently so I haven't been able to do much of walking or anything, the smallest physical activity sends me into coughing fits and i'm on prednisone so I'm terrified of gaining back the 2lbs (or more) that I have already lost. So my sugars are high, I'm on prednisone, can't walk without wanting to cough out a lung... I'm just worried I'll end up screwing up all the hard work and I don't want to do that!

Sorry you're feeling so down. I've been MIA on the board for awhile, but just wanted to let you know that I was a diabetic preop and prednisone and stress used to make my sugars climb. Hang in there, I'm sure everything will all even out and go smoothly in the end. Sounds like you're very determined and that is a great attitude.

It is disappointing when you do everything you can to make your body happy and then it turns around and decides that it can't sustain balance without help - but it happens and thankfully the medical community understands it and has something to fix it. When I was pregnant I had gestational diabetes which I was able to control with diet for months but towards the end - no matter how I ate - my body just needed help with managing the sugars. It's okay, you are doing a great job, your body just needs a little help - take good care of yourself so you can get rid of that nasty cough - everyone I know that has gotten a cough this year has suffered with it lingering - my husband had one that lasted from November to January and had to go on two rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it!
Feel better soon - congratulations on getting the chloresterol down - that's great!

Have you tried South Beach? It really is a great way of eating if you do it right. Lean meats, low fat, and after the first phase, which is 2 weeks, you can add good carbs to your meal plan. It really does help with sugar issues. I tend to eat South Beach way now, just small portions, I can't eat a min. of the veggies at one meal like they tell you to do, but I feel great when I am eating according to that lifestyle. South Beach encourages you to eat the same types of foods that the Nut. at my Dr.'s office says we should eat. Worth a look.
Good luck and we are here for you!